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From a distance Mike watched the bast, he was standing by a manhole cover where members of the brotherhood were coming up from the hole. Pauline was with him.

'A little late, but Dave didn't let us down.' said Pauline.

'But the pyramid, it still stands, we failed.' said Mike.

Pauline turned Mike to her and smiled. 'The pyramid was just a distraction Mike, a great chess play, while the real battle was taking place elsewhere. You don't kill an idea with a bomb. You kill it with a more powerful idea.'

A Times newspaper van drove past and threw a bundle of papers into a doorway.

'Here it is. Have a look.' Pauline pulled a paper from the stack. Mike looked at the front page


Today sees the most momentous announcement as Bryan Clement of Paddington London has won $250,000 on the lottery.

The unprecedented win is the most substantial prize for an individual in many years. The life changing sum will be made available to Mr Clement to collect from the Ministry of Plenty in the next week.

We should all be grateful to Big Brother For its incredible generosity as it rewards the people of Oceana while also using vital funds for the war effort against Eurasia...

'But, no one wins the lottery.' said Mike.

'Exactly.' said Pauline. 'While we assaulted the Ministry of War, a second team took on the Ministry of Truth, changing the front page as it went to print.'

'A winner, but why?'

'This is the first thing everyone will read tomorrow and the only thing every Prole will talk about for the next ten years. We have used the only thing 85% of the population care about to make our mark.'

'But, Big Brother will deny it.' You cannot simply choose your own winner, where will you get the money?'

'We will not pay the money, they will. Or admit there are no winners? Admit they are not in control the Times?'

'Who's Bryan Clement?'

'That's exactly what everyone in Oceana will be asking tomorrow. We created the first individual in the last 60 years.'

Mike scratched his head 'Big Brother will simply have him removed when things quieten down.'

'And risk the wrath of 85% of the population, the proles would revolt. They will know Bryan Clement, borrow money from him, argue with him, marry him. But think of the bigger picture, what we have done is create a murmur, a question. An idea, and ideas are indestructible.'

'So Dave died for nothing?'

'No, Dave died a hero. The explosion was the death of a significant party member, who was overseeing the slavery of the nation. That blast at the top of the tower was a message, the explosion was a lighthouse to the whole of London, a signal that there are others not happy with the state of things, a sign you can fight Big Brother.'

Mike finally smiled 'This is brilliant.' Says Mike, the paper in his hands.

Allan walks over and grabs Mike, pats him on the back. 'Come on Mike let's collect your daughter and start your ownlife.'

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