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Dave and Mike returned to the Ministry of Truth, as they exited the lift Frank was waiting for them.

'Where have you two been?' Said Frank.

'Call out to a false alarm, a prank call about a dead body.' says Dave.

'There's a few things going a miss today and you two seem to be at the centre of it.' Frank called a couple of uniform over.

'There's an alert on a possible terrorist situation that has the inner party on edge. You two are not to leave the building as of now.' Said Frank.

Frank turned to the uniform. 'If they make any attempt to leave the building consider them enemies of the state and shoot them on the spot.'

'You can't be serious Frank.' said Dave.

'I'm 100% sure Mike is into this Dave but you I am unsure of, watch every step you take.
As soon as I can I will sort you both out.'

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