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The cell was tiny with no windows, the electric heating was on way too high. The electricity in the city was only on at night, except in the Ministry's, in the Ministry's everything operated 24 hours a day without fail.

There was barely enough space between the desk and the wall for Mike to fit. The suspect sat opposite them cuffed to a metal chair. He was sobbing, one of his eyes was full of blood and he held a broken arm at an odd angle. There was a uniform in full riot gear inches behind him. 

Mike took out a piece of paper that was a handwritten report. He read it for a few moments, very deliberately in front of the suspect.

'Reginald Sellers... Anything you want to tell us?' said Dave.

The man blathered through saliva and tears, 'Listen I already told them, I stole from the factory. I made love to a girl from the ministry, I don't know her name but you do right? She lives with her mother. I gave her boot laces for the black market.'

'That's not we're here for, is it?' said Dave. Mike eyeballed Reginald, he popped his ink pencil in his mouth.

Reginald stopped sobbing and looked desperate. 'That's everything, I swear.' He looked between their faces.

Mike chipped in, 'Like hell it is.' He banged the table with fist and got into Reginald's face. He screamed at him 'Confess Reginald, tell us what we want to know!'

Reginald was crying, 'I promise that's everything, I got nothing else. That's why you bought me in, for stealing?' He looked at the pair for confirmation.

Mike had had enough, he belted Reginald hard in the ear with his fist. The force knocked Reginald to the floor, he yelped in pain.

Reginald was in shock, he blinked and cupped his ear. 'I can't hear anything from my ear. You've dislodged my ear drum. I can't hear anything.' said Reginald, trying to put his cuffed hand to his ear, which was bleeding. The uniform picked him up and put him back in his chair. He was confused, crying.

'Calm down Reginald.' said Dave. 'Clam down. Now you tell us what we want to hear and we'll be good to you.'

'But I swear I am telling you it all.' said Reginald. He rubbed his ear with his shoulder to see if the hearing would come back.

Dave whispered something in Mike's ear. 'You think he knows anything else?'

'No' says Dave, 'we got him in on the shoelace. Look at him, he's given it all up.' Said Mike.

'Listen Reginald.' said Dave. 'You want to see your mother again?'

'What?' But she's dead?' Reginald said and looked into their eyes, confused.

'She's in the cell down the corridor, not telling us much but giving up what she knows. Breaks my heart, old woman like that, all confused.' Dave clasped his hands and stared deep into Reginald's eyes.

'But I watched you kill her, I watched her shivering on the floor.' Reginald was questioning himself. 'Oh god if she's alive?'

'You want to get out of here, you need to understand, we are the truth. Everything you know, is because we says it's so. You understand? Each time you question us it will get worse. Each time you disagree, it will get worse.'

Reginald shook his head. 'No. She's dead, why are you doing this? I watched you kill her, you, you murderers!' Reginald raised his voice and tried to get out of his chair.

The uniform took out his baton and hit Reginald's full pelt. Reginald bolted in pain, he screamed in agony. He fell silent, whimpering on the desk.

Mike took out a tissue, wrapped it on his hand to avoid the blood and pushed Reginald back in his chair.

'Reginald do you want your mother to get out of this alive?'

Reginald sat there, dumb. 'Yes I do.' Reginald whispered the words.

'Do you want us to take her a message?' Said Mike, he smiled at Reginald.

'Yes please.' Reginald paused, he thought for a second. 'Tell her I love her.'

'We will don't worry, but I need you to do something for me. I have a question that I want you to answer when I next I ask it.'

'I suppose so, OK.' Reginald was confused but tried to be upbeat.

'Don't say anything now ok? But I want you to tell me what is two plus two?' Said Dave. Reginald looked back at him blankly. The detectives got up and started for the door.

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