"I know it was last year, but since then I've become a man!," Natsu-kun jumps at Laxus his fist engulfed in fire.

"On the other hand I think that attitude of yours is going to get you into a world of hurt, WHY DON'T YOU SIT BACK DOWN?!" smirks Laxus as Natsu-kun flies right for him, Laxus hits Natsu-kun with a bunch of lightning. I gasp as Warren-san facepalms and Elfman shuts his eye's against the bright light a frown on his face.

"Natsu!," calls Gray-kun.

"I told ya so," sighs Warren-san.

"Oh man!" Eve exclaims in shock.

"He's no man," Elfman says as if he's known this the whole time. Natsu-kun's cries can be heard during all of this. Natsu-kun falls knocked out cold, Happy flies over to him.

"Poor guy, he was finally feeling better too," yeah, I agree with Happy, Natsu-kun shouldn't have attacked Laxus out in the open like that, he gave Laxus way too much opportunity to counterattack. The dummy, I'm much younger than him and even I knew that one.

"Naturally if you want me to turn the girls back to normal you're going to have to defeat us first," explains Evergreen.

"But, those odds aren't bad, there's four of us and like a hundred of you guys," laughs Bickslow.

"Lots of you! Lots of you!" chant the Tikki things.

"You have three hours and not a second more," she holds up three fingers proving her point, "after that these pretty statues of yours will be reduced to dust."

"You kidding me?," mutters Macao. Only three hours?

"What about Ange-sama?!," I ask stepping forward again holding Eve tightly.

Laxus looks down at me as if he just noticed me, "she'll be with me for the lot of this as my special hostage, after all, you shouldn't place all your eggs in one basket, l am I right?" he smirks making me scowl even more, he did take her! "the same rules apply to her to though, defeat us within three hours and I'll let her go, if not, she stay's with me," he grins. "Anyways, all of Magnolia will serve as the battlefield, the fight will begin when and if you can find us."

"Laxus how could you?" the Master asks in pure anger. "I WON'T STAND FOR THIS!," he suddenly grows almost as tall as the room we're in practically hitting the ceiling, MASTER CAN GROW REALLY TALL?! HE'S A GIANT!

"Now! Now! Simmer down, old man! It's all part of the festival right?! IT'LL BE FUN!," he cackles, there's yet another bright light the entire Guild cries out and shields their eyes from the blinding light including Eve and I. "LET THE BATTLE OF FAIRY TAIL, BEGIN!" There's a giant flash of pure white light then it's gone, along with the Thunder Legion.

"He disappeared," Alzack points out the obvious to everyone.

"So it's high stakes hide and go seek huh?," Macao scowls.

"LET'S GO! WE GOTTA MAN UP AND SAVE OUR GIRLS!," all the guys race out of the guild yelling random things about heading out and kicking butt, all of their thundering footsteps behind them. I stand there shaking I'm so mad, I've never been this angry before.

"Bisca, hold on, I'll do everything I can to save you," I hear Alzack say to Bisca before running off as well.

Master stands there for a moment before huffing out, "you insolent BRAT!," he screams angrily turning around and starting to run out of the guild "JUST WAIT! I WILL STOP YOU WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!" As Master runs past us Eve and I give each other affirming looks.

"US TO!," we chorus, I quickly catch up with Master while Eve flies ahead of us, suddenly Master and I slam into some sort of invisible wall.

"What's wrong?!," asks Gray-kun turning around and running towards us.

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