Welcome to Fairy Tail

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(Family portrait of Angelina and her parents, not my pic)

*Angelina's POV*

"Mommy where are we going?!," I shout over the pouring rain, and lightning, and thunder, oh this is so scary. She only shakes her head, her white hair making raindrops fly all over, she looks at me, her red eyes are glistening with tears, she pulls me tighter into her chest covering my face from the rain, what's going on? Where is she taking me?

"MARIANA?! COME OUT MY LOVE!!!," wickedly laughs a voice I only know as my Dads, he's scarier than the storm, or he can be, I've seen him hit mommy before, then he'd come after me, but that's only sometimes, and I still love him. After a few moments I hear loud thumping foot steps coming closer, I try to sit up, only to have mommy push my head back down.

"Stay away from me!" screams my mother, fear lacing her voice. I feel like we're rabbits being chased by a hungry wolf, why is all of this happening? Out of nowhere, I hear the static crack of lightning and a man's pained cry. Was that my Dad?!

"Mom! Mom, what happened?! Is Daddy okay?!," I cry trying to sit up to see again as she continues to run.

"You won't be seeing your father anymore," she says coldly. Fresh tears begin to stream down my cheeks, did she actually hurt Dad? Why? What did he do? In all of my confusion, mom finally stops and sets me down, we're in front of a giant building with a huge symbol on it. I turn back around only to see her staring at me lovingly.

"Why did you hurt him?," I hiccup, knowing it's true, mommy hurt him with her magic, it wasn't some freak accident like some will most likely be told.

"Because I had to honey, mommy loves you," she bends down and gently kisses my hair, I can feel her magical energy crackling around us, and her natural scent of flowers hits me like a truck. She then hugs me, slipping a necklace of some sort around my neck.

"I love you too mommy," I smile through the tears, burying my face in her neck, inhaling her scent I love so much, why do I feel like she's going to leave? She stands straight again and knocks on the giant wooden doors three times, it echoes even through the rain.

"Good bye baby," she turns and begins to walk away. Goodbye?! I knew it! She's leaving me here!

"Mommy please don't go!," I scream bawling, I begin to run after her, right as I almost catch her sleeve I slip on a puddle, falling into the mud, I curl up into a ball, crying and sniffling in the rain. I lay there for at least 5 minutes before I can hear the squeaky door hinges opening, I don't sit up, just lay there.

"Hello- h-hey?! Are you okay?!," it's a boy's voice, I hear feet running towards me, they're light footsteps, unlike my Dad's heavy ones. He turns me over gently, I look at him through my endless tears, my visions so blurry. I feel his small fingers wiping away the tears clouding my vision, it's a boy about my age, 8 years old, he has spiky salmon colored hair and onyx eyes that I feel mesmerized by. "Why are you crying? Where's your mom?" he asks frowning, more tears spill from my lavender eyes than before.

"She's gone," I hiccup out, leaning into the boy unconsciously, he's so warm, and I'm freezing.

"Your Mom left you?" asks the boy softly while looking down at me. I nod still crying, why did she have to leave?! "It's okay, she'll come back," he assures with a bright smile.

"You think so?," I question a little hope leaking into my voice, but she sounded like she was leaving forever. Even so, maybe the boy is right, and she will come back!

"Absolutely!," he gives me a huge grin and I break into a small smile, wiping the rest of my tears away. "Now come on, let's go inside and ask Gramps if you can stay!" he helps me up and takes my hand leading me into this weird place. It's so big! The room we walk into has a ton of tables, benches, and a bar of some sort. There are also stairs that lead to a second story.

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