Chapter Twenty-Five

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Lorna's awoken the next morning—after a horribly uneasy sleep—to Christopher's hovering over with a burning candle. A queasiness forms in her stomach at such sight. What reason could he possibly be carrying a candle with him? She silently prays that it isn't to harm her with. The last thing she wants is to feel her skin burn. Her eyes watch fearfully as he sets the candle on the ground right beside her hand.

"Curious about the candle, are ya?" His voice spitefully questions. A laugh escapes him. "This is what I'll use to burn ya with if ya don't do what I ask. You don't want to feel the burning hot flames on your delicate skin, do you?" Watching her quickly shake her head, a sinister smile spreads on his face.

Christopher slowly unchains her hands before pinning her to the ground beneath him. He smirks at her noticeable discomfort, letting his hand gruffly undress her top half. The tips of his fingers scrape harshly against the skin of her abdomen; the scars from previous operations, he takes note of and makes sure to dig his nails harder around those spots. Her cries only add to his infatuation. This time he reaches for the candle, picking it up, and holds it over her.

"Nnn-no, no, pl-please-please don't burn-burn me," the brunette weakly cries out, trying to squirm her way from underneath his touch. Immediately she regrets her decision when she sees the flame of the candle coming closer towards her abdomen. The minute it touches her skin, a blood-curdling scream escapes her. The pain is indescribable. She's never felt something so horrifying.

The screams make Christopher drag the candle down along her body. He momentarily places it back on the ground so that he ca remove Lorna's pants and underwear. He picks the candle back-up and slowly places it over her genital region, lowering it until the flame comes in contact with the skin. Her terrified cries and sobs mean nothing to him; he keeps at it.

His torture-scheme is soon interrupted by the sound of persistent banging on the upstairs door. A disgruntled groan escapes him. He angrily puts down the still lit candle beside Lorna's scorching and tremoring body. Peering darkly down into her tortured eyes, he slaps her hard across the face and growls, "Don't ya make a damn sound. Or I'll come back and rape you and then pour your body in gasoline. I fucking mean it."

When he opens the door and sees who's come to ruin his morning, he rolls his eyes and glares heavily at the two women. "The fuck do you want, Franny? What reason do you have to come knockin' on my door?"

Both she and Nicky push their way into the house, giving him dark stares. Before Franny can even open her mouth, the redhead pins Christopher up against the wall and peers menacingly into his stone-cold orbs. "Ya better fuckin' leave Lorna the fuck alone! Stop blaming her for shit she didn't do—stuff that sweet angel isn't even fucking capable of doing! You're a real asshole, ya know? Raping and abusing that precious woman wasn't enough for you? Ya gotta accuse her of abusing her own baby—the baby you forced inside of her?!" She claws her hands around his neck, ready to strangle him when she feels the other woman gently pulling her back.

Franny shakes her head with a disgruntled sigh. "As much as he deserves to be strangled, violence isn't going to help," she gently informs the redhead. Turning she glares back at Christopher, crossing her arms defensively over her chest. "So, the reason my nephew and my sister's baby is dead is because you fuckin' abused him? And you're tryin' to put the blame on her? How much eviler can ya get?"

A faint scream halts their conversation. The two women share a worried glance and then stare back at Christopher with even more rage. "What the fuck was that? Is there someone in your house—ya got another victim in here? Where is she? Ya filthy devil," the brunette angrily spits out her questions, her eyes looking around the room for any signs.

"There ain't no one here but me and you two morons. Get the fuck outta here or I'll call the cops," he shouts.

Nicky fiercely shakes her head and walks further into the house, eager to find where the screaming is coming from. "The only one who's gonna need the cops here is you. You need to be rotting in a damn prison cell. After all the hell ya put my baby through!" Another scream is heard, this time a bit louder and accompanied by the sound of an object hitting a wall. She continues to follow where the sound seems to be emanating and finds herself walking down a set of stairs.

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