Chapter Thirteen

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After breakfast the next morning, Lorna finds Suzanne—on her way to yoga class—and has her join her. Once they enter into the rec-room, they get their mats – placing them in Lorna's usual spot in the back of the room. They both begin working on the poses the yoga instructor is demonstrating when Alex comes over with her own mat.

Lorna smiles cheerfully at her two friends, and looks over at the taller one. "Alex, this is Suzanne – the girl I was tellin' ya guys about yesterday." She observes the two as they shake hands and acquaint themselves with one another.

"Your name's Alex?" Suzanne's dark eyes peer widely over towards the black-haired woman. She watches closely as the other nods her head in response. "Gracie's boyfriend was once named Alex—he wasn't that nice. You're a nice Alex, yes?"

"Yeah, I'm a nice Alex—at least I think so," the taller woman answers, laying out her mat with a kind smile on her face.

Suzanne slowly nods her head, keeping her wide eyes in the taller woman's direction while beginning to follow along with the yoga poses. She looks between the two women and asks, "Did the both of you come in together? I ain't seen either of you before I went to psyche."

Shaking her head, the shortest of the three women stares across her mat over to Suzanne. "Oh, no, she came in a couple months after me. I've only been here three months...almost four now, I guess," Lorna answers, beginning to work on the next pose that's demonstrated in the front of the room.

While working through the yoga, a numbness slowly starts to spread up Lorna's leg. She tries to ignore it and continue the stretches, but the sensation only grows stronger. It's so strong that it causes her to fall to her knees – unable to stand with how jelly-like her leg is feeling. Several attempts she makes to get herself back up but ends up failing each time.

Right beside her, Alex instantly notices the struggle the petite inmate seems to be having and quickly walks over to help her. "Is somethin' hurting you? Maybe you should be done with yoga for today and go rest in your bunk," she gently suggests, staring down at the brunette with sympathy in her eyes.

"I'm fine," Lorna insists, though her leg refuses to wake up. "But I think I will head back to my bunk for a bit—I'll see ya guys later." She forces herself to stand up and drags her numb leg along as she rushes out of the room.

The tingling sensation suddenly moves to Lorna's other leg, which makes walking nearly impossible for her. They both feel like rubber and can't hold her up anymore, causing her to fall while also bumping into another inmate – making her fall as well. "S-sorry," she shakily responds, looking up to see who she's bumped into; when she realizes that it's only Nicky, she feels a bit of relief wash over her.

"Lorna? What's the matter? What's hurting, kid?" Nicky immediately pulls the smaller woman into her arms, staring down at her with deep concern shinning in her big brown eyes. "I know something's botherin' ya, so don't try to act like you're okay." She brushes her hand tenderly through the other's dark hair, giving her an intensely worried look.

"It's really nothin', Nicky," the younger inmate gives a fast response, even though both her legs are so numb they can't hold her up anymore. "Just my legs are asleep is all. Probably from the yoga stretches or somethin'—no big deal."

Carefully, with Lorna secure in her arms, Nicky brings her back to her cube and sits her down on the bed. She sits beside her, taking the brunette's head into her hands and stares firmly into her eyes. "How do ya know that's all it is—what if it's from the cancer? Ya shouldn't be fucking blowing what ya feelin' off like this, kid!" The redhead cries out, tightening her hold on the smaller girl.

Letting out a deep breath, the Italian inmate lifts her head to stare back at Nicky. Her brown eyes—that are usually bubbly—hold a slight darkness to them. "Before we knew my mom was sick with brain cancer, she-she used to get numb l-legs...and, and I just—I don't wanna know what the problem is – I don't wanna end up like my mom! She can't do a fucking thing for herself anymore, Nicky; all she can do is lie in bed and it-it hurts to see her like that," Lorna tearfully responds, gripping tightly onto the older woman.

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