And on the outside he was actually waiting for her, and he was getting inpatient. He sat in the van and was biting his nails anxiously while his leg was shaking up and down.

"Would you chill?" Selina asked him with a raised eyebrow as she was leaning her arms on her thighs. Jerome sighed and looked outside the window once again to see if they were coming, but they were no where to be seen. Jerome had a constant need of being in control and panicked as he didn't know anything about what was going on inside.

"They should have been here by now." he said worried before looking over at Selina, "You better hope your boss pulls threw with his plan, or else i will take it out on you, kiddo!" he threatened and Selina just rolled her eyes at him. Like he hadn't mentioned it a thousand times already.

"For the thousand time, stop being so fucking concerned! They are coming, just wait a little longer." she said and leaned back into the wall. But to be honest she was freaking out a bit on the inside because she knew what Jerome was capable of if he lost his temper.

"Stop!" a man shouted behind Elena and the guys. All three of them stopped and looked at each other before they turned around to see the guard from before approaching them. He stopped in front of them and was looking even more suspicious now as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You never showed me any paper work. I need to see your permission on escorting the prisoner or I'm afraid we got a problem." he said and raised an eyebrow. Elena knew she had to think fast, Jerome was waiting for her! This was her only shot and of course this stupid idiot had to be in her way. She rolled her eyes and sighed loudly which caught the boys attention. 

Quickly, she grabbed the gun out of Ed's belt and shot the guard right in the head before he could reach for his walkie and warn the others. The blood exploded all over her, but she could not care less about that right now. Oswald and Edward looked at each other shocked as their jaw's almost dropped to the floor.

"RUN!" Elena screamed and the three of them ran as quickly as they could outside of the building. Oswald could not run so fast because of his limp so Ed suddenly threw him up on his shoulders and ran for his life. As they expected, the police van stood ready to go outside with the back doors open. They jumped inside landing on top of each other and they drove of in a hurry. Elena had landed on her face as they had thrown themselves inside.

"Ouch..." she whined and placed her hand to her head.

She shook her head and when she looked up, a wide smile appeared on her face. There he was, finally. It had only been two days but it had felt like years. His vibrant red hair was lighting up the room as always and his smile wider than ever.  He stared at her and he had a feeling in his entire body he never had felt before. It made him warm and it felt kinda good. She was covered in blood and looked more beautiful than ever in his eyes. He quickly fell down on his knees and wrapped his arms around her neck, hugging her so tight she could almost not breathe. She closed her eyes to just embrace him and hugged back as tears fell down her cheeks. This felt amazing, no more than amazing. It almost felt like a dream, but hopefully it was not. His warmth and just the smell of him made her relaxed and calm. He pulled away and stared into her teared up green eyes.

"I am SO sorry, Elena. You should never have been in that looney bin." he said as he held her cheeks in his hands. She smiled and he dragged his fingers across her face to wipe her tears away. His touch gave her chills down her spine. She placed her hands on his arms that held her to gently.

"Jerome don't think about it. I'm finally back where I belong, with you." she said and looked into his green eyes that were glowing. They gazed into each others eyes before Oswald interrupted their moment.

"I do owe you both a big favor for helping me make this escape a success." 

Elena looked over at him and smiled.

"You owe Ed too. Maybe thank him over a nice expensive dinner?" she purposed and Ed's eyes widened as he looked at her with a 'what are you doing?!' look. Oswald turned around and looked over at Ed, but he didn't dare look back cause he was to embarrassed and his cheeks were turning red.

"Yes, that would be nice." Oswald said with a smile. Ed quickly turned to him and smiled like child that had just been told they were going to Disney land.

"Are you okay, boss?" Selina asked as she came to the back of the van.

"Yes, thank you for your concern Selina. I will reward you for this." Oswald said grateful. Selina turned around to Elena and stared at her for a second before she smiled. She was so incredible beautiful with her big bright eyes and curly hair.

"Hi, I'm Selina." she said and Elena smiled to her.

"Hi Selina, I'm Elena." 

"Yeah I've heard all about you, your boyfriend here wouldn't shut up about you while we waited." she said and rolled her eyes while she shook her head. Elena got embarrassed and felt awkward because she refereed to him as her boyfriend. All thought she liked that she thought he was.

"Uhm, well he isn't my boyfriend." Elena said and Selina laughed at her.

"Yeah, that's why you are holding hands, right?" she said and walked back to the front of the van. Elena then realized Jerome had slipped his fingers in with hers. She blushed and got a warm feeling all over her body. She was unsure if it was from all the adrenaline or is this was what people called 'a crush', but it felt amazing no matter what.

She is back bitches. Ahh i love these awkward romantic things. I hope you like it! And if you know a Gotham fan, please recommend them to read my story. 

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