Author's Note + Ch. XXI

Start from the beginning

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Fisher.” The woman’s words filled with bliss. 

I leaned my head forward and rubbed my eyes tiredly before sniffing and sitting back in my seat, looking up at her. “Why are we here?” 

“Hmm~? Because we always do our sessions.”

“Wouldn’t you rather be upstairs blowing Mr. Brown?”

Mrs. Pierce flushed, clearing her throat uncomfortably as she glanced over at the guard, fixing the button of her jacket. “Well, this won’t be long at all. It’s more of me giving you some news.” She said, looking up at me with a smile like I was supposed to be just as excited as she was. But her smile faded when I didn’t show any emotion towards it and she put her pen down and sat back in her chair. “Next week we are transferring you to Springwood, Ohio.”


“Because due to recent events, we believe it would be best.”

“For me or for you guys?” 

They obviously wanted to just get rid of me. They were tired of dealing with a teenager who didn’t respect them so they were going to ship me off to another state for someone else to deal with.

“Both.” Mrs. Pierce said bluntly. “It wasn’t our idea, the court have read my files on you and they believe it would benefit all of us if this were to be done. You would be away from not only your own demons and you can actually work with people that you could get along with better.”

I said nothing. I just looked at her while trying to figure out if I cared or not. But then I realized it would mean I would be away from her and from Mr. Brown. 

Two states away. 

I didn’t smile, but I did sit up and put my dirty hands on the white table. 

“And you can move on with your life and not have to deal with me ever again, huh?” I finally asked.

Mrs. Pierce’s lip twitched, before she also sat up and stared down at me. “Exactly.”

I finally smirked, sitting back again and ran my fingers through my greasy bangs. “Sounds good to me.”

I wasn’t going to fight them at all. It had it’s good points, but the bad point was that it would mean I would be even further away from Michael. However, I knew it didn’t matter. After he leaves tomorrow, we will no longer cross each others paths. 

Later that night I went to bed thinking about everything, fighting against my medication. I really should stop thinking, since it only keeps me up at night. However, I couldn’t help but think about what this new place would be like. If they were moving me to another place, it would mean the people there were probably more strict and probably would piss me off just as much if not worst. 

I sighed before rubbing my throbbing forehead, turning to lay on my side facing the window and saw the light that was over the courtyard flickering dimly. Small bugs fluttering around it.

What was it about light that made bugs attracted to it?

Was it the appearance?

The warmth?

Or were they just that dumb?

As I thought about it, I couldn’t help but question if I was the same way with Michael. 

I felt like a moth flying towards the light, oblivious to the fact that it could hurt me if I got too close. Burning me from the heat sizzling in the bulb, but not caring and continuing to welcome the pain. 

My heavy eyes close.

And sleep soon wiping my every thought away.

Sleep didn’t last long at all.

My mind was still asleep, making it hard for me to register what was going on as I turned to face the door, which was a blur. I rub the sleep away, and the sounds of the fire alarm going off finally made its way to my eardrums. I looked at the door again, blinking as I saw it was wide open and could see other patients running down the darkened hall and could hear people yelling. 

With the drugs still in my system, I stood and almost as if I was zombified, I sluggishly go to the door, leaning on the door frame and watched as a male and a female held hands and happily skipped down the hall. Guards did their best to shove patients back into their rooms, but the others fought back hard, biting and clawing  until they broke free and darted into the crazy crowd. 

A guard started to look towards me, but I quickly moved so my back was against the wall in my room, not wanting him to see me and try to lock me back in. 

I then peaked around the door, seeing he was gone and I finally made my way out.

The hall was starting to die out, as I saw guards down the hall along with the patients. I hurried down, but stayed back. 


The voice of another echoed through the halls. 

But how?

I didn’t fully realize what was going on I remembered what was supposed to happen today.

My eyes widened as it finally hit me.


I quickly turned away from the crowd, and the further I got away from them the quieter it got. My bare feet clapping against the floor caused a slight echo, and I tried so hard to push myself from the medicine and run faster until I turned and went through the yellow iron gate that was supposed to be closed. I turned again, gasping to a sudden stop when I saw a couple guards laying in a pool of blood. I covered my mouth, eyeing him closely before slowly making my way around the bodies, careful to not step in the blood. 

I looked down the hall to the room which was my target, and hurried towards it, my breath heavy from the running. I moved a shaky hand against the dirty wall, trying to use it to support myself and keep myself standing as I walked down.

I turned to the room, seeing the door was open and I stepped inside. The room was pitched black, and I stepped inside to try to allow my eyes get used to the darkness. All the masks were there...

But he wasn’t. 

With a shaky breath, I move my hand along the hard bed, seeing it was made. Like he hadn’t even slept in it.

I looked up towards the desk, seeing it was cleared of everything but one thing.

I walked up to it, exhaling slowly when I saw the mask that I had made with Michael, but it looked more fixed up. 

Gently, I ran a hand along it.

He was gone...

He was really gone.

“Of course you’re here.” The sudden male voice jerked me to look behind me.

I couldn’t see the figures face.

However, my eyes went down and saw something in his hand. 

The figure stepped into the room, and when the shadows of the room shifted a little against his face as he entered the room, my eyes widened at the sight. 

“You thought you could get away, huh...but guess what? Now that this place is cleared out, you’re all mine.”

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