Chapter VII - Guilty Accused

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Julie's POV

I woke up early in the morning, I took a bite on the toasted bread I made a while ago and get some tissue and wipe my shoes that was full of mud from last night. I got only one pair of shoes, I don't have enough money to buy another, my aunt deliver some cash every month but that was only enough to full my stomach for a month.

After cleaning up my shoes, I pulled up my still fine but old bag from the table, and opened the door. I bite the bread holding it using my teeth and tried to straighten my type B uniform using my hands that was a pair of blouse and skirt because I forgot to iron it. I forgot today's Tuesday and our uniform schedule for Tuesday's Type B. And since my house is a walking distance from my school, I used to walked everyday. But today, I felt strange. When I looked up to the sky, it was cloudy and dark. I guess it will rain again today. I spent the last time eating the bread.

To be honest, I am still nervous on what happened last night. I brought a fork in my pocket in case the killer would try to kill me, I have my weapon.

After a not so long walk, I reached the gate of our school. I saw the sheriff's patrol car parked. It was strange, I thought I was dreaming, there were no students but when I got through our pathway, I heard some whispers. I followed it until I reached our library. I saw a lot of students clumped in the doorway and windows, others were trying to get inside. Maybe the new reached them already and they were gossiping loud about Ms. Bruce was killed last night.

I gasps when someone pat my shoulder from behind, I turned back and saw Naomi with Hannah and Stacy behind her in crossed arms. "Hey bitch" Naomi said as she flipped her hair, It's obvious that her eyes were merely crying "Finally you're seeing your mom and dad, Can you say hi for me?" she smiled sarcastically. I knew it was fake.

The two of his companions suddenly cried. But, what does Naomi mean I was going to see my parents? I wouldn't mind visiting them in jail.

I saw the group of varsity teams behind Naomi and her friends passed by and looked at me bad. We heard the siren of an ambulance. What is happening?

"You're a killer!" Naomi shouted, her fists snapped in anger but I know she's just controlling herself not to cry in public, but what happened to make her cry? Did I do something?

"Let's go girls." Naomi demanded as she walked away, her girls followed after her.

Shortly Andrew and Elizabeth came to me, "You need to see something." Elizabeth said panting. It looked like they were on a hurry.

"What happened?" I asked them

They took me inside the library, seeing Mitch's body laid between the book shelves. The sheriff was on his knees beside Mitch inspecting the scene. I-is she dead? Is she the one that is Naomi's talking about?

Mitch was one of Naomi's friend. She belong to her squad. Now I get it. That's why she wasn't with them a while ago.

I noticed Mitch's body, she was wearing pants and a t-shirt that we used to wear every MWF, or our type A uniform. Did she stayed here all day?

The sheriff stood up, "There were no trace of struggle.. I don't know what killed her. This is a strange case.." the sheriff said looking despondent

She looked like she was just sleeping, her legs are a little bit parted, her hair wasn't messy, but it felt weird... "Is she dead?" I asked

I covered my mouth when the sheriff nodded. "I inspected her body a while ago, I saw this on her hand, can you please explain this to me, Ms. Campbell?" the sheriff raised his hand holding a piece of paper sealed in a plastic.

The writing wasn't good but still understandable, If you'll look on how it was written you'll noticed that the message was hurriedly written. Here's what the message says.

"Dear mom and Dad,
please help me, I may not survive after writing this letter, I cannot tell why, its coming, forgive me. for all I have done, for being mean and brat especially to Julie. Julie has something to do with this, go after her. Help me."

Something in me snapped.

I've come to a thought that this is connected on what had happened last night, maybe she was the girl that the masked people had been chasing that night?

"Why is your name written on it?" Andrew asked

"Something bad happened last night." My voice was hush and rusty, as of disuse

"What was it?" Elizabeth brows quirked, looking worried

Cole came inside the library looking on Mitch's body, absorbing everything that was happening.

I cleared my throat, "S-sheriff, I think it's something related to what happened last night." I said sharing glances with Cole

"You need to come with me then... you too Cole." He looked on both of us

"W-wait what's happening here?" Andrew asked, holding his waist

"Do you have something to do with what happened last night? The killing of Ms. Bruce?" Elizabeth fumed, brows low.

I nodded and then there were men on white entered the library. I never expected to see a detective to came on the scene, I mean— our small town is horrible, only hundreds of people leave here, no malls only stores that can be count on fingers.

Mitch body was now being covered with cloth and we watch as her body was being put on the stretcher and out on the library.

"Call the other guy who was with you last night, I need to see the three of you. We are not yet done." He said and walked out.

Ring Ring

(the class bell rang)

"Everyone get back to your classes now!" Mr. Jeremy shouted, the black teacher wave his hand commanding all the students to go back to their classes. The sheriff went to the teacher and they chatted for a short period of time "go back to all your classes except to Campbell, Adams and Edwards." Mr. Jeremy added

My heart jumped when I heard Vernon's surname, my feelings for him wasn't something I could easily forget. Before I took a step to follow the sheriff, someone hold my hand from behind. I saw Andrew bowed, and then I faced him. He looked up and hold both of my hand.

"I'll follow you, don't worry.." he said. My cheeks warmed, and I looked down at my feet, he cupped my cheek and said, "it'll be okay."

I was surprised on his actions, is this normal for him? I felt a little awkward this way.

"Julie, we have to go now." Cole shouted from behind

Andrew hugged me, I saw Vernon at the back. I shook my head, I don't want Vernon to see me like this. Even if there's no us. I was still hoping, hoping for something, I shouldn't think of. I stepped back.

I was in fear again, Ms. Bruce and Mitch is dead! And in the thought that Mitch was one of the witness on what happened that night, it was not impossible for me, for Cole, Vernon and his sister to be like Mitch, to be put under the soil forever, to be dead. Another surprising thing was how did Mitch die? There is no trace of struggle, no blood, and it seems like she's just asleep.

Elizabeth kissed me before they go, they left me inside the library. Mitch put my name in her letter before she died. If all my instincts are right that the masked killers killed her. They might go after us too.

Mitch is there. Mitch is dead. I didn't do anything to save her life. I know someone needs our help, but we didn't do anything... My conscience is killing me. There's something that halts my feet to take a step.

I saw Vernon walking towards me, "We should go now." his voice was deep, I took a step but I got trip on a book that was on the floor. I took the book and scanned it, I realized I shouldn't have touched it, because it might have to do something on how Mitch's died. I returned the book from where I took it. I looked at it before we leave.

This area will soon be under examined by the police.

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