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As the day went to its nightfall the town takes on an entirely different mood. The clouds swallowed up the city by its gloominess. There's darkness and despair. Where you could feel an eternal sorrow while walking on the streets at night, the streetlights blinking in the city of forsaken people, the city of woe, which made it looks like a ghost town.

Julie woke up in the middle of the night catching her breath. She immediately remove the blanket and get up on her bed, her cold feet slips to her fluffy slippers, before she stand up she put on her night jacket. Grabbing her cellphone on the bedside table, she checked for the time. It's already 23:58. Julie prop up her pajamas and walked outside her room. She went through down the stairs and used her cellphone's backlight to find the switch in the wall.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

There were three series of gun shot heard.  When she turned on the light, she was silently watching her steps as she went to the kitchen, thinking that the gun shot she heard was maybe next door to their house. She held a knife from the kitchen, and went to the living room. She slightly opened the curtain to see what's happening outside. She was surprised when she saw an another place outside their house. It was completely different from the dark, quiet, gloomy streets where they're nearly living in. She saw a forest. Julie couldn't believe on what she is seeing so she blink her eyes twice or thrice, but still— she saw the same green forest with lots of fruits and berries, glowing in the dark. She tried to rub her eyes once, but she failed to see the old street. She decided to put down the knife and left it inside, she open the door to step into the beautiful forest.

Though the glittering shining fruits and berries made the forest shine, Julie felt very cold as Julie step on the grass even though she was wearing her fluffy slippers, it still made her shiver and saw her own breathe like a smoke. She hug herself as she continues to roam around the forest. 


She know it was a scream but the word is not quite clear. She immediately turned back and tried to listen finding where the voice is coming from. She had forgotten the gun shots she heard a while ago.


It was different from another voice, but at some point she felt weird because the voice seems familiar to her. She went straight ahead to the left, she reached the very thick bulks of big flowers that made her feel something different that it maybe hiding something, she thought. Slowly, Julie tried to parted the bulk flowers into two. She step onto it and when she faced front, she covered her mouth in surprise. She saw seven big trees lined horizontally in front of her, and each trees there were people hanged covered by black bags on their face. She couldn't identify who are they. 

Approximately she would take 25 steps to reach each trees. On top of the seven trees there was a big screen... displaying,

H E L P  U S  J U L I E   0 1 : 0 0

She tried to think what is happening. She realized the number beside her name was a count down to help those people hanged. And that she is given 1 minute only. As she glance again in the big screen, the time started to roll. 

Everyone of them is still trying to catch their breath, holding the tie on their necks, except to the first two people hanged on the first and second tree, there's already blood flowing from their body. She realized it was the gun shot she heard a while ago. The first body had the two gunshot in the head and chest. The second body had its shot on the forehead. She realized the scene looked like a targeting place for shooting. Julie tried to stop herself from panicking, she thought of the killer. Where is the killer. She turned around and never seen anyone except from the hanged people. Now she felt the pain inside her, both of her fist grip in angst, she tried to run at the third three that was in front of her. She ran as fast as she could, only 20 seconds left and she told the person on the third tree to remove the plastic covering her face as Julie tried to push her body high up. Julie slightly collapsed when she saw the bloody face of her mother. 

The tears started flowing on her cheeks knowing it was her mother dying, she gave her full force trying to push the body up. 


Blood spills from her mother's mouth. The blood scattered all around at Julie's face. Julie couldn't believe what is happening. She looked to the direction on which the killer is standing pointing his gun to her. The killer was wearing black pants and red hoodies to hide its identity.

"Times up

She knew that it is a fake voice coming from a voice generator. But Julie didn't mind to it, instead she think of what time's up means? She looked above and saw the timer 

0 0 : 0 0

The killer was right. Julie haven't finished saving those people's lives.

"Say, Good Bye now Julie." the killer pointed the gun to Julie. Julie was so afraid, her knees were shaking as she stepped back. But it was too late to run, before Julie could run, the killer had already fired the gun to her. The impact made her laid back on the grass, soaking on her own blood.

Julie woke up again, catching her breath. Her hands gripping her chest, she tried to find if she was shot. She closed her eyes and heaved knowing it was only a dream. She had an uncomfortable feeling in her throat that required her to drink something like water. She grabbed her phone on the bed side table, checked the time, knowing it was also 23:58 or 11:58 PM, realizing it was also the time when she checked to see the time in her dream. She felt a little nervous, but still she walked outside her room like she did in her dream. Slowly, Julie went through down the stairs.

Dug. Dug. Dug.

She didn't hear gun shots unlike in her dreams but there were sounds caused by banging in front doors. She held up a broom near her and quickly move to open the curtains, she let out a loud scream when she saw faces, horrible faces! bloody faces! 

"You killed us.

"You killed me."

"You killed me."

"You killed us."

They kept repeating those words, they were like zombies, the window was marked of blood. Julie saw her mother banging on the window, saying that she killed her. Julie can't believe what she's seeing. 

"This is only a dream.. This is only a dream!" Her tears flowed as she screamed and let out her angst against the window.

Julie woke up again, she was crying so hard. But she is now relieved when she saw sun rays entering her room in her slightly opened curtain. 

Author's Note.

Thank you for reading up until here. I am really grateful, I also want to hear/read some of your feedbacks if you mind.

PS. Don't forget to vote if you like this. ;)

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