They Have Chemistry or something

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Kaoru POV
We ran down the hall all the way to chemistry. We made just before the teacher. "Alright everyone sit down and shut up" Mr. Fisher says stern as ever. "Today is the start of the Potions and solutions unit" He says. This no fun. I too good at chemistry so this year this is going to be boring. "Let's start with a pre test" Mr. Fisher says still stern but smiling. Is it just me or seeing a grumpy old man (He's like 40) smile is weird. He gets to our table (Rowdy Puff Kids). I took the test in 25 minutes.

So I looked around the room. I lock eyes with Butch. He smiles. I gave a small wave. He winks. I feel the blood rushing to my face so I turn my head. "Mr. Jojo, Ms. Uranium, Get back to work" Mr. Fisher yells. "Sorry," I say. "I don't car-" He starts. "But I'm done" I holding up my paper. I look at Mr. Fisher shocked face. "Same" said Butch says raising his paper. "IMPOSSIABLE. THIS TEST IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR COLLEDGE STUDENTS" He snatching our papers. By this time the class is kind of staring. "let me see this" He says as he quickly check our papers. He has a shocked expression. "I'm calling the office." He says as he walks out of the room to next room over. "Why is he walking out of the room" Butch whispers. "His phone is broken" I whisper back. Butch nods.

Then it starts. The whispers. "She totally a geek". "Tomboy's smart?". "Wait if she this smart, is she planning something". "Butch is super smart. That's super cool". Okay I get if I'm smart I get insulted but with Butch it's the new trend. "Kao," Kan whispers to me. "I know your talented with Chemistry, but dang." She says. "What did you think I did during science in middle school." I said smirking.

Mr. Fisher walks back in. "Kaoru and Butch follow me. "ooooooooooooooo" The whole class said. "SHUT UP!!!!" Mr. Fisher yells. He writes something on the board. We walk out the room. "Geez, those kids give me a headache. "He mumbles. "Sorry if I seem kind of harsh, it's just when it comes to high school kids the talk too much. But you two are different. " He says. "Where are we going" I ask. "Oh right, We are going to the office." He says. "Why" Butch asked. "Because you guys got impossible scores so I can't teach you so the office will tell you what you need to do." Mr. fisher says smiling a decent smile. We walked to the office.

Me and Butch sat down in two chairs. Mr. Fisher talked to a lady working in the office. She nodded and Mr. Fisher walked away. "Mr. Jojo and Ms. Uranium, the headmaster would like to speak to you." She said nervously. "Are you new" I ask. "Y-yes" She gulped. "What's your name" I ask. She clear she nervous. "P-polly" She continues to stutter. "Well, Polly, It's nice to meet you." I say shaking her hand. "Kaoru let's go" Butch calls. "I'll i have feeling we will met a again" I say waving goodbye and walking away. "What were you doing." Butch asks. "making a friend" I say smiling.

We walk into the room. "Take a seat" The headmaster said. The headmaster is a very young girl with Blonde hair and hazel yellow eyes. We sit down in the two chairs in front of her desk. "I heard you two have a supernatural gift for chemistry" She says rasing a brow. "Yes" Butch says. "Well then, for the time being you'll be in study hall for the time being. But before you do anything call your parents." She says. "Okay." I say. "We recently got new phone booths in the school located in the media center." She tells us. "Once your done you free" She says. "Yes Ma'ma" Me and Butch say together.

We get to the door. "By the way you two make a good couple." She says. We left Blushing like mad people. "Oh my, are you guys okay your faces are bright red" Polly asks. "Yeah We're okay. Just make sure you take good care of the headmaster."I say before we left. We walk down the hall to the media center. Call mom on a moniter in the media center and deciede to start studing spanish. 

Miyako POV

After the test. Kaoru and Butch haven't got back yet. Mr. Fisher started talking. About 45 minutes later. We started writing down notes. I look to where Kaoru sits and she left her backpack. "Alright now let's take a test on lab safety, and you guys have a couple forms you have to sign before you leave." He says. It felt like forever but we got it done. "Do you think Kao is in the media center already." I ask. "Probably" Momo says. We walk to the media center with the ruffs a little bit behind us so their isn't much whispering.  Inside it looks super modern. The room has white rounded top bookshelves, egg shaped pod chairs that can close when your inside, and caller booths that have moniters that you can call people on. 

"wow this place got an upgrade." Momo says. "Yeah" Brick replies. "Let's find Kao" I say. We mindless walk around. I walk up to Boomer. "Have you found them" I ask. "No" He says. Then we hear knocking. We turn to one of the pod chairs. We see Kaoru in one and Butch in another. "Hola!" Kaoru says openig the door. "Hi. Where were you" I ask. "en esta silla" Kaoru responds. "Oh god" Momo says right behind us. "Momo what's happened" Kan says slighty shaking her shoudlers. "Hola" Butch says finally realizing we are here. "It's simple." Brick says. "It's clear the are suffering from a disease called spanish" Momo says making everyone sweat drop. "It comes from listening to spanish podcasts (Does anyone know what that is) and reading spanish to english dictionaries." Brick says playing along. "How do we fix it" I ask.

But Kanna and Blake were already on it. "You-speak-english" Kan says on top of her shaking her rapidly. "It's time to stop" Blake says shaking Butch with the power of memes (Too soon). "Okay guys, calm down" I say before someone gets hurt. "We still need them to work" Boomer says. After a few more seconds of shaking they stop. "¿por qué todo gira" Butch says in a dizzy voice. "Okay it's time to get serious." Momo says. "Miya, do you agree." I nod. I get so looks. "What are you talking about?" Boomer asks. I whisper in his ear "Kaoru hates dressing up. so if does go back will threat her with dress.". Boomer nods and whisper back "Butch is the same.". "Boomer you know the plan" Momo says. "yep" He says smiling. "What plan" Brick says. Bommer whisper to him and Blake and they nod.

"On 3" I say. "1", "2", "3". I grab Kao arm. Momo grabs her other arm and Kan grabs her legs. Off we go. We force in the Bathroom. "Ayúdame" she yells. When we get to the bathroom that no one uses, we change her clothes. "aww don't you look cute" Kan says. Kaoru just glares. "I'm taking pictures" Momo says smiling. "NO" Kaoru says. "yes" I nod. After taking the pictures i got an idea. "So you want to speak english now" I say. "NUNCA" she says angry. "Do you have a plan B" Kan asks. "I have one" I say. "What is it" Momo asks. I point to the door. Kaoru shakes her head and runs to a stall. "You don't have to" I say. "But you have to speak english" I say. "FIINE" Kao says. "Finally" Kan says. I hear the bell ring. "So can I have my clothes back." Kao says hand out. "Nope" Momo says. "Don't worry it's time to go home anyway" Momo says. 

Momo POV

We walk out to see the guys waiting (Butch behind them). "Do you get him" I ask. "Yep. Did you?" Brick responds. "Yep" I say. "Is it safe" she says from inside the bathroom. She quickly hides behiind us like Butch. "Can we see" Blake asks. "If we can see Butch" Kan answers. They nod. We push them forward. 

This what they look like (With the hat and pony tail and roses)

This what they look like (With the hat and pony tail and roses)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I hate you all" Kaoru says. "You could say that again" Butch says. "Let's go" I say. "Hey can we ride with you guys" Kanna asks. "We need to show mom as quick as we can" I follow up. Brick smirks "Sure.". "Why mee" Kaoru whines. "Oh little sister when will you understand" I say quietly so barely anyone can hear. "I thought you guys were all the same age." Brick said. "No we are. It's just that we were born at very different times. Me at 12:49, Miyako at 3:27, Kaoru at 8:12, and Kanna at 10:11" I say. (Someone's gone). "Enough talk, I think people are staring." Butch says pointing to a group of girls. "Uh oh" Kan says. Then I look to were I though Kaoru was standing. "Where is Kaoru" I say. Then I get a text. 


BC: I stole the ruff's keys and I waiting outside.

~Text end~

"She outside already" I say. "Then let's go" Butch says. We rush outside. "Hello" Buttercup says. "How did you?" Brick questions. "Wait you didn't see or feel her steal your keys." Butch said. "noo" Brick slowly says. "You saw me stealing." I said. "No, I saw you sneaking off remember." Butch responds. "Let'ss just go" I say. "good idea" Buttercup says. We get in the car and BC drives off. "Well I'm done driving" Buttercup says pulling into the ruff driveway. 

I made this longer than I thought I would

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