Dinner With A Side Of Secrets

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*time skip to the end of the day*
Bubbles POV

"I hate changing my clothes in public bathrooms. They are just gross" Blossom complains. "Well I guess it's kind of bad but I don't mind" I said. We started talking on the way home and we pass by so people who knew who we were and took pictures. We almost got home till we saw the new neighbors didn't have the moving truck in front of their house.

" do you think that the new neighbors have moved in" I ask."I would think so" Butterfly says right before we get the new house." I think we should and say hello" I say. "okay" Blossom says. We get on the porch and we ring the doorbell. To are surprise Boomer answered the door."Hey girls" Boomer says."Hi" I say back smiling." BOOMER WHO AT THE DOOR" brick yells to as he walks toward the door."oh it's you guys, come in" Brick says."So why are you here" Brick says walking us to their living room."Well we just wanted to know who are new neighbors were and I guess it's you guys" Butterfly says, We start talk and soon enough the other brothers came."Not like this isn't fun but we gotta get home" Buttercup says. We said are goodbyes and left. We opened the door to our house to see mommy!"Hey girls" she said like she was here this morning. We all hugged her.

"What are you doing here a day early" Blossom says. "I got some business here so I can stay for a while than I thought" mommy say. "So when will dad be back" I say."He will be away for a week then come back for the rest of he month working in the office" mom says with flat face." I also got a call from a good client who is willing to pay money for you girls to sing at the party for his son and daughter" mommy says." Co-" Blossom says before she gets cut off by mommy."I have something else to tell you. Your not singing just the four of you" mommy says. Everyone is silent." You are also singing with....THE ROWDYRUFF BOYS" mommy says." Mom I have some news for you" Blossom says." What is it" Mommy says."Well the new neighbors right" Blossom says."yeah" mommy replies."Well they are the RRB" Butterfly finishes Blossom sentence."Oh really" Mommy says smirking. "What are you planning" Buttercup says. "Nothing I just invited some people over for dinner, so I'm just going to make dinner" Mommy says. What is she planning. "You girls need to get ready" she says. "Ok then" I say. What is she doing.

I had on a baby blue dress with a brown belt on my waist that went to my knees with brown boots.

Blossom had a white shoulder less dress, at the bottom it had light and dark pink zig-zags that went her and brown boots

Butterfly had a orange tank top with white jean pants and orange, with orange and white converse

Buttercup had yellow shirt that faded to green and didn't have shoulders, black pants, with black combat boots.

Butterfly POV

"I hate dressing up" I say. " Same" Buttercup says in agreement." why would you like to look beautiful" Bubble says." It not our style" I said pointing to me and Buttercup." I guess that true" Blossom says." Buttercup has an athletic style and Butterfly has a lazy kind of style" Blossom says." But It doesn't mean that they can't like to dress up a bit" Bubbles says." Well we don't like the same you guys do" Buttercup says. I love Buttercup. She all was has my back and my sister except debts. DING DONG the door bell rang. Coming I yelled. That most be are moms guests. I open the door to see familiar face (RRB)." Hey guys" I say also grabbing my sisters attention from behind me." Hey" they replied back."Come in" I say. They walk in to the house.

They have dress shirt with tie of their respective colors and brick has his hat on.

"Welcome to our home" Blossom says." hey aren't you guys the famous PPG" Bricks says." aren't you guys the famous RRB" Blossom says. We start laughing as are mom came in. "Girls something came up at the offices so I going to have to go for two hours" mom says rushing out the door. I okay with mom leaving it gives us more time to spend with the boys alone, plus when mom rushes to offices it's usually it about are the uranium sisters being linked with the utonium sisters, if you get what I mean.

"So I going to go eat you guys can stay here if you want" Buttercup says running to the dinning room where are mom left the food." we all walked to the room. We talk we eat then I go outside to the porch to get fresh air. I sit on a bench swing we have in between to flower pots. This is all so weird we go to school and act like we hate the boys but when we come home they like are like childhood friends even though I feel like seen them before." Hey what are doing out by yourself" I hear Blake say behind me." Nothing must getting fresh air" I say back hoping he would go back inside." Yeah right" he says and sits next to me and asks "what's wrong"?" have you ever been bullied before and I don't mean like a random people hating your music I mean like in person" I ask. No, but I do know that bullies have a solid reason for what they are doing" he says."Let's go back inside it's cold out here" he says smiling at me. He smile is so cute and his hazel eye are glowing in the moonlight. I can't fall in love I don't have the time for a boyfriend."Do you know who the real me" I ask."No, but I want to know" he says."lets go back inside it's cold outside" he says hold out his hand for me as I take and we walk inside still holding hand and I didn't realize.

Blossom POV

Me and Bubbles were talking with brick and Boomer about the project."I realized that butterfly and buttercup left us" I say as Bubbles nods in agreement."same with Blake and Butch " Brick says. "Want to go outside" I ask everyone."Sure" Brick has responds while everyone else stayed inside. "I really like you" Brick says bluntly and blankly while we were sitting back to back. This can't be right. He can't like me." As a friend" he continues."have ever he'd a friend before that aren't your brothers" I ask."nope" I haven't either. We talk bit then stand up and we so close together that we almost kissed."umm C-Come on l-let's go back inside" brick said nervously. We go inside to see Boomer and Bubbles giggling. They stop when they see us. The buttercup and butterfly walk in and butterfly was holding hands with Blake and butch was with buttercup."where did you guys run off to" Brick said."For your information I just showed Butch my motorcycle" Buttercup said sitting down in a chair."How about you two" I say smirking." What do mean" Butterfly says. I grab her wrist and hold up their hands making the two blush."never make mind us what were you guys doing then" Blake said. I felt my face get hot and look brick face."Who knew blossom bow could match her" buttercup says."Or Brick's hat" Butch add. Hopefully nobody knows what happened outside."That not important right now" I say."what is then" Bubbles asks." We need ideas" I say."What ideas" Blake asked."did you not tell him" buttercup said."basically making a song to sing to twins for their 16th birthday"

"Hey I something to tell you all with all you lies" mom says walking into the room." Heh, heh, what do yo mean by lies" Buttercup says nervously. Something happened more then we know, well I know anyways. "Did you forget about the cameras around house that I like to check" mom says as me and the me and the girls slowly nodded our heads then realize and I scream inside my head.

What will happen next? What are the secrets we don't know? Why is buttercup and bubbles acting weird? Will the boys ever know the girls true forms? Stay tuned for more PPG adventures!!!

(1457 words)

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