Music Class

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No ones POV
After class The uranium sisters and jojo brothers walk to the lunch room. As the boys got food, the girls waited outside to eat lunch. The sisters were sitting on a bench outside the lunch room waiting for the boys to eat lunch so we can take them to their next class. They talked to boys and they didn't want to talk about it but they all knew about like they've a feeling.

" What are you dorks think you are doing" said Bloom.

" We are trying to eat" Momoko says turning back to her food.

" We saw you in class talking to the rowdyruff boys" Breeze says.

" Yeah, and we are part of the school's welcome committee, so it's kind pf are job to make them feel welcome " Miyako says.

" We know you like them" Bailey seeming to ignore Miyako.

" What them, I sorry to break it to you but we are looking for boyfriends right" Kaoru says.

" Whatever, just know if you try anything funny we have a whole lot of secrets that everyone probably like to know so you better say nothing to them" Bee says smirking.

"even if we are not their just know we have eyes and ears everywhere" Bloom said.

Then they pushed our food on the ground and all left laughing as they held Kaoru and Kanna from beating them up. The four girls couldn't help but to think about what just happened.


They boys left the lunch room talking and the girls were still quiet. As the girls saw the boys they got up and threw their trash away and walked to the music room.

Time skip to the music room

The girls just sat down talk and thee boys started talking.

Brick's POV
" something is up with those girl" I say pointing to the girls.

"maybe they had a fight" boomer says.

"Or maybe- never mind" Blake said.

" What is it" I say.

" Maybe it's us" Blake says frowning.

" No way" butch says like it's not possible.

" It could be true" I say.

" Did they basically tell you to not talk to them but you did anyways" I say.

They all nodded.

"Why did we do that" Boomer said.

"is it just me or do we feel like their a lot about those girls we don't know about but they seemed familiar" butch said ignoring Boomer.

"Oh well let's just act like everything is normal so nobody thinks something's up with those girls" I say cause I have a feeling that they are not popular.

Momoko POV
I really want to say sorry to my sisters for breaking are rules like that.

" Girls, I have something to say" I say.

"We all do" Kaoru say.

" I have a feeling that's the same thing is we want to say so let's just say it together" Miyako says.

" I'll count us in" Kanna said making we smile.

"1,2,3" Kanna said before we all said "I'm sorry" which made us all laugh.

"so what do now since the whole threat thing" Kanna says.

"We should just lay low for a while till we can think" I say.

Then we see the perkypuff girls walk over to the rowdyruff boys and can hear the whole without looking so we did a little snooping.

" Hey boys what are you doing" Bloom says like she dating them.

"waiting for class to start" Brick says.

" Those girls are making you dull" Breeze said.

" We would appreciate if you didn't talk about them that way" Boomer said.

"You know what it's fine we will talk about later" Bailey said.

"What is their to talk about" butch says.

"Are relationships" Bee says.

" What relationship" Blake says pushing them off the edge and they just storm to me my sisters grabbing us by the arm and dragging us to what we call the fish tank which is just one of the spare rooms to record music in if you don't have the equipment at home.

"Why are trying to steal are boyfriends" Bloom sounding a bit emotional about it.

"What do you mean" I say.

" They like you guys" Breeze said emotionally too.

"WHAT!!!"we all said.

" It's way they talk about you" Bailey says some what emotionally.

" Whoa their girly, we ain't looking for boyfriends right now" Kaoru says.

"Okay be like that" bee said as they walked out the booth and locked us in their without us knowing.

" I have a feeling like they were acting" I said trying to walk out the door.

"The door is locked" I say.

Bubbles starts crying"we aren't going to be able to leave".

Me and Kaoru try to calm her down while Kanna tried picking the lock ( she does it as a hobby for reasons like theses).

" girls we have a problem" Kanna says and by the sounds of her voice this can be good.

" What is it" Kaoru asks.

"The lock is broken" Kanna says.

" You can fix it right" I ask hoping that she can.

" No, I can't because pieces in the doorknob are missing" Kanna says frowning.

At that moment Miyako started crying.

" How could this happen" Miyako says in a sad tone." We only wanted friends and get a good education, but we in up friendless and being pushed around while people call us nerds" Miyako says and then goes back to crying.

Butterfly POV

I hate when Miyako cry's it's so sad it almost makes me cry. I can't help but hug her, so I do. Soon enough are Momoko and even Kaoru join in.

(Mm- Momoko, My- Miyako, Ku- Kaoru, Ka- Kanna)

"the sun will come out tomorrow"-Ka

"So bet your bottom dollar that tomarrow"-Ka

"There'll be sun"-Ka

"Just thinkin' about tomorrow"-Ka, Mm

"Clears away the cobwebs in the sorrow"-Ka, Mm

" 'Til There's none"-Ka, Mm

"The sun will come tomorrow"-Ka, Mm, Ku

"So you'll have to hang on"-Ka, Mm, Ku

"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow"-Ka, Mm, Ku

"You all ways a day away"-Ka, Mm, Ku

By that time we were dancing around while Miyako was smiling on the ground and then started dancing and singing with us. Till someone came in. Lucky us it was the RRB they just stared.

" What are you doing" Brick asked.

"Nothing" We say as we run out.

The song is from Annie

(1187 words)

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