Something happening

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Butterfly POV

"we were in trapped in are lockers and the boys were trying to get us out" I quickly say to cover up for are cousins."again" Miss Honey worryingly."anyway go and have a seat" miss honey pointing to are seats we just nod are heads and walk back our seats. As I'm sitting I turn my head in Bee's direction. Did I make the right choice. The rest of class was fine and I was computer class.


"Hey Kanna" Bee says walking up to me."Hey Bee" I say." Thanks for not telling the teacher" Bee says."It's know problem" I say."But it is...I been really rude to you ever since you got here last year and I want to say sorry" Bee says head down and on the verge of tears."It's is ok" I say. Then she hugs me crying."Sorry" she says."To be honest, I think you should be with Blake" She says which took me by surprise." Why me" I ask."because, even though I was mean to you we're still their for me" she says."But don't you like him" I say." I do, but I feel like if we were dating it wouldn't go anywhere, so now I aiming to be his friend" Bee says smiling." Does anyone else know" I ask."no" Bee shakes her head."I got to go" Bee says."okay then, bye" I say.

I walk away to go to lunch, then I bump into to Blake knocking both of us down."Oww "I say." Oww, how fast were you walking Blake asks."yeah" I say trying to get up but, my leg hurts bad."no your not" he says as he try's to get up." Neither are you, and all my fault" I say. "I got to call Momoko " I say."Not before I call" brick. We called them telling them where we are. After we stop texting we just stared at each other.

*2 minutes later*

"KANNA"!!!"BLAKE"!!! We heard I people yell." That was fast" Blake says in surprise."Momoko knows all the shortcuts around school" I say smiling."Their you are and why are you on the dirty ground" Momoko say scrunching her nose."your doing it again" I say."doing what" she asks."complaining" I say."Whatever let's just get you two up" Brick says stepping in."wait"! I yell."What now" Brick whined."wow Brick too. I can't believe you live with it" I say to Blake."I know right" Blake says."Guys pay attention" Momoko says." Well, like I was saying we can't get up because I think we twisted are ankles, so getting up isn't the easiest thing right now"   I say." Good thing the nurse is next door" Momoko says pointing across the hall." Oh, right I forgot it was right there" I say." you probably getting lost in each others eyes" Momoko says. "That's what I think happen to" Brick say nodding his head in agreement." NO WE WERE" I say to defend my self, but only causing my face to heat up." Yeah we didn't do anything" Blake say slightly pink." You are meant to be. Anyways let's get you and Mr. Famous pants to the nurse's office." Hey" Blake says a little upset."hahahahaha"Brick laughed." You shouldn't be laughing, your carrying him Mr. Whining pants" Momoko remarked. I giggled as Momoko smirked. Momoko and Brick pulled us to the nurse's office. We got checked out. We only pulled a muscle, so we will be fine tomorrow if we take it easy." How did this happen anyways" Brick asks making me and Blake blush." I bumped into Kanna, Kanna bumped into me" Blake says. "Okay then, let's get class" Momoko says.

Kaoru POV

I was eating lunch with Momoko and Miyako, till Momoko just bolted off somewhere." Where do you think she's going" Miyako asks." Probably to get Kanna" I say and she just nods her head. We finish lunch early so we go to the soccer field (which is empty). I practice while Miyako designs a cooler bedroom design for everyone since we moved in week before school started. "hey girls" I hear a voice behind me say. "hello" I say turning around to see Butch and Boomer." Hi" Miyako yells as boomer runs up to her." What do you got in your hands" Butch asked me." a soccer ball. Do you want to play?" I ask." please you know I'm gonna win" Butch says with lots of confidence in his voice." Don't pride yourself on that" I say smirking. We walk to the middle of the field." HEY  MIYA" I yell. "WHAT" she yells back. "CAN YOU GET KEEP SCORE" I yell again. "SURE" she yells back again. Me and Butch play for a while. We end up stopping before class to get a final score." Who won" Butch said." Kaoru won" Boomer said looking surprised. "she was self trained to be the best" Miyako said. "Here" I say handing Miyako my bracelet." oh, thanks" she says taking it." what is it" Butch says." it bracelet that tells you how much of your full energy you used" I say." What does it say" Boomer asked." It says she only used 30% of her energy. which is just as much energy it takes for a hard game of soccer" Miyako says." So I was hard to beat" Butch said." yep" I replied." we have extra time want to how fast you can run against dad's speed (dad was the named the fastest running in the state)" Miyako asks." sure" I say. I put the bracelet on, then walk to the edge of the field, next I put in this ear piece so Miyako can tell me my percent as I go faster.

I start to jog


to go faster










I'm still running faster but the same energy


I'm slowing down

"get in the zone "


I running fast


Fast, Fast, Fast is all that's in my mind


"hey you can stop you need you energy to walk you know"

I stop running." how did I do" I ask." you are half of dad's top speed" Miyako says. "nice, what I was aiming for.

Then end of the day

What will Kanna tell her mom? Will Kaoru beat her dad's speed? Will Miyako and Boomer kiss? Will anyone kiss? What is exactly going here? why am I typing this?




(1045 words) 

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