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Five hours gone and I still hadn't uttered a word about what happened earlier to anyone else. Mama told me to keep my lips sealed, and that if I didn't it'd be the end of my alliance with Fahad.

It's not like I care though, I mean who would still want to be married to someone who proposed to his fiance's best friend the day before his wedding. But for some unknown reason, I still find myself obeying mama's command.

" its for the sake of your father " she said.

Five hours and everyone is celebrating the alliance between Fahad and I. The event would have been a memorable one for me if all this hadn't happened, but here I am, with a plastered fake smile on my face.. Pretending to be the happiest bride on earth.

" Aah Nina!, your dinner party is on fire!" One of my cousins, Saadah, said. I gave her one of my practiced fake smile and said. "Thank you"

I expected her to get the hint that I wasn't in the mood for any conversation, but she continued.

"By the way you look, amazing..where is Fahad, I need to take a selfie of you both" she said as her eyes scanned the area for Fahad.

"You don't actually need to-"

"Aha Fahad!," she squealed, getting some attention " come here for a sec!"

"You don't actually need to snap us Saadah!,I'm sure he's busy attending to his friends"

"No I'm not" a deep voice interjected out of nowhwere, I turn my whole being , only to find Fahad with a big smile on his face. "I'll never be too busy to please you"

"Aww" Saadah gushed out dramatically, with her hand on her chest. "Now stand close to eachother and say 'love'!"

"Cmon Hurairah, smile for the camera" he teased when my fake smile didn't show up, but Saadah took the picture anyways

"The best picture ever" she said " I'm gonna post this on every social media I own"

" Make sure you send it to me" he told her and she nodded her head "well I have to go guys, I need to show the girls the picture"

"Finally" I murmured when she left. I turned back to see Fahad looking at me amusedly. I dismissed him and tried to manoeuvre my way around him, but he held my wrist, stopping me in the process.

"What's wrong with you today?" He asked.

I ignored his question, and tried to free my wrist, but to no avail.

"Hurairah you can talk to me you know, we're married now" he said with concern.

"Leave me alone" I said with no emotion. "Just leave me alone"

"Hurairah what's wrong?" He asked.

"Leave me alone please" I begged as a tear slipped from my eyes. I was only being quiet because I didn't want to create a scene.

"I will leave you alone, but when all this is over, I demand an explanation" he said, then walked out on me.


The event was coming to an end, and all that was left to seal the deal was for me to be escorted to Fahd's house.

"Husna, take Hurairah back home tk change, a and make sure all her things are in the car, we'll round off here, and meet you all at home" mom said to Husna. "And you, cheer up" she whispered to me as she hugged me.

Hurairah (ON HOLD!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora