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Living back in 12 was hard. I wanted my son to live in the same house me and my brother lived in for the first 12 years of my life. I wanted his sister to be able to dance in the back yard. I made procations unlike my parents we had an under ground safe house with everything they would need if something were to happen to us.

The family only asembled on holodays and that was always at the mansion where my brother lived becasue he had become president. Ty and Alice had three children Jace a boy that resembled his father so much. Jordan a little girl wo had lots of red in her blond hair. and Taim who looked almost exactly like my son Liam except that Taim had blue eyes and Liam had Green. They diidnt know each other that well. and when my little girl came along I couldnt reveal her to my family. She was to precious. Her eyes were so intelegent they were so blue they were almost purple. I couldnt let anyone have her. My mother knew about her but no one else did other than her brother and her father. She fell in love with Matt. Matt was that one who helped her find out what she could do. I knew it was to good to last though. I knew something would happen though I had hoped nothing would. I couldnt have been more wrong.

*hey everyone. Yes I'm sorry to say this is the last chapter but I have written the sequel :D I have some twists planned for it >:) anyways sorry for the cliff hanger but I had to keep you interested thats why I went back and re wrote this entire chapter. hope you enjoyed it. Please please please vote and comment! thanks*

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