Moods and storys

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Maybe I was in one of my moods maybe I wasn't all I knew was I was really beginning to hate 13. The food stunk literally, I had to share a room with three guys,(Which wasn't all bad considering who they were.) And I NEVER saw Mom. The only good thing was they let me hunt as long as all the game went to the kitchen and as long as I wore a tracker anklet and Ty went with me(That was TOTALLY OK with me). but other than the hunting everything sucked. Mom and Dad were always in some sort of meeting or other with Gale(I don't care if he did save my life I still hate him. he took me away from home and I don't even know the reason!) and Marissa. As if all that wasn't enough they are making me wear the anklet all the time. The people in charge say "If she's anything like Katniss then we need to keep her from disappearing like Katniss did when she was here." But that just tells me that Mom hates it here just as much as me.

I was in my room one afternoon trying to get the anklet off (as I always did when I was alone) when Mom walked in. she was in some sort of Mockingjay outfit.

"Hey kiddo."


"You know you shouldn't do that."

"Why?" I said a little defiantly

"They will end up in-planting one in your arm or something."

"Oh" I said and stopped fiddling with the tracker

"You want to go hunting? Just you and me like we used to?"

"YES I HATE it here!"

"I know, I did too. Still do."

Mom went and grabbed her special bow and a quiver full of regular arrows. (apparently Mom has some fire and explosive arrows somewhere.) and I grabbed my Bow and not so perfect arrows.

We walk a few miles into the woods and shoot a few squirrels and a raccoon but I can tell Mom didn't take me out here just to shoot.

"Mom will you finish the story now?"

"Sure. You have the right o know and if I tell you you can tell the other three." and so Mom starts with taking Prim's place in the hunger games and ends with having me and Raif.

"So why are we here and not home?"

"President Paylor's son president Nash is angry at we have done to the capital and he has been waiting to strike."

"How will he strike?"

"He has brought the Hunger Games back and we can be sure you and Ty were going to be in them."

"So what are we going to do?"

"We have no choice but to rebel again."

"I want to help just like you did when you were here."

Mom smiled "I was hoping you would we could use a Firebird to get things burning."

"Ok but I want to change the name from Firebird to Fire"

"Alright but they are going to have to put a tracker in all of you kids."

"Could Ty help me?"

"Sure. He can be your partner."

"Like Gale was yours?" I grumble

"I know you don't like Gale but i do know you like Ty and he likes you."

"You think so?" I ask a little hope seeping into my voice

"It doesn't take a genius to see you two have something."

And then her communicuff started to talk in urgent voices

"Where is she?" This was a voice i didn't know but by the sound of it i didn't want to meet its owner

"She went to go talk to Emily." This was Dad

"She should be taking Emily to get the tracker in place." This was Gale

"Calm down all of you I'm taking Em to get it in right now but I had to tell her everything. She had a right to know." Mom said as she got up and signaling me to follow her.

"Hurry up the doctors can't wait forever they need to put the tracker in place soon." This was the voice I didn't know or want to meet.

"Raif and the others are all asleep and will be for a day or two" This was Dad

At hearing that I would be knocked out for a day panic started to rise. Mom, seeing the look on my face, said something into the cuff that I didn't catch because I was turning and running.

I didn't know where I was running but i just wanted to get away from 13. Soon though I was tackled by Mom and pinned to the ground. Within a few minutes I was being escorted back the way I had come gripped tightly on one side by Gale and the other by Dad with Mom trailing in our wake.

The whole way back I kicked and screamed till my legs were sore and my voice was gone. Then I went to glaring at Gale(if he noticed he gave no sign).

When we reached the gates of 13 I started struggling again a new panic had engulfed me. By the time we reached the doors Dad and Gale were struggling to keep me in their grasp. The guards at the entrance had to help them keep me under control.

Eventually we reached the hospital where they would be in-planting the trackers. The hospital is a scary place (I also inherited mom's hate for hospitals.) it smells like antiseptic and sickness. The room I'm brought into has four beds one is unoccupied all of them have leather restraints. The three beds next to the vacant one are occupied by (all of them drugged and restrained) Ty, Raif, and Trist.

"Mom!" I cry desperately tears racing down my face. The Guards, Gale, and Dad set me on a bed while the doctors put restraints(to tight in my opinion its not like I can break through leather with my bare hands) on my wrists, legs, chest, and waist. Then the mask went on and everything went black.

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