Pins and needles

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I woke in the hospital bed next to Raif's. I didn't know how I had gotten there but my arm hurt worse then the time I had first fallowed Mom into the woods and got an arrow in my arm. then everything came rushing back. The story, Gale (I put on a sour face when I think of him), and helping Mom start the rebellion if need be.

As I look around I see I'm not totally alone, Mom is in a chair asleep. She looks as miserable as
I  feel. her hair is falling out of its normally neat braid,(That's one difference we have I prefer my hair just below shoulder length and down) and rings under her eyes like she hadn't slept for days.

How long was i out? I wonder Ty,Raif, and Trist are all gone and Mom looks like she hasn't slept a wink.

I want to get out of the bed but the restraints are still on me so i can barley move."Mom?" I call in a  whisper "Mom wake up I want to leave this place!" this time I'm a little louder but not much my throat hurts terribly when I try to talk.

"Ah your up." Gale says as he enters the room

"Can you get these restraints off me?" normally I wouldn't ask HIM but I was getting desperate.

"Sorry sugar but only the Doctors can do that."

Ewww he called me sugar was all I could think at first "Can you PLEASE go get one." I was on the verge of tears

"Sure just let me get your Mother to bed she hasn't slept for three days."

"Is that how long I've been out?"

"Yes the doctors had to knock you out a few times because you were feeling too much of the pain so they gave you something extra strong... It worked."

Wow he is STRONG was the first thing I thought as Gale carried Mom out of my room.

About ten minutes later a Doctor came in and checked that everything was fine and removed the restraints. When I was released it was 12:30 just in time for lunch. Good I'm starving!

Before I could get to the mess hall Gale pulled me aside by my arm (the one without the tracker luckily) and started to walk away from the mess hall dragging me along with him. being as weak as I was from the in plant I didn't fight him even when he looped my arm around his.

"Where are we going? I'm starving!"

"You'll see soon enough." was all the answer I could get out of him.

We walked till I thought my feet would fall off. Then we came to a room with weapons on the walls. Gale let go of me and grabbed a thin box.

"This is for you I've been working on it since we arrived"

As I opened the box I was amazed to find what was inside......It was a bow, a beautiful bow. "Oh its perfect!" I couldn't help the approval seeping into my voice "Is it like Mom's?"

A smile spread across his face "Yes it responds to your voice.  to turn the bow off just tell it goodnight. It has special arrows too but the people in charge wont let me give them to you till you've proved that you can use regular arrows well."

"I'll show them!"

"That's what I told them" He said "I'm sorry about having to take you to that surgery. I hope this will make up for any distrust you had about me."

A small smile danced around my lips "Yes, I think I can trust you"

He sighed with relief like he had aced a test he thought he had bombed, and right then, I thought, maybe I had been wrong about Gale, maybe he can have my trust.

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