Game time

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*Alice's POV*

Emily kept getting worse. She cried more often and never was fully there. Where her mind was I didn't know but Ty took good care of her when she was to hopeless to take care of herself. She sang to us sometimes and in those times and those times alone she was completely there. She had the most beautiful voice in the world.

Ty got a little more impatient as each day passed. He was by far the strongest one here fallowed by Emily when she was in her right mind. Matt was above me in the rankings but I didn't care all that mattered was that I needed to keep Emily sane so it would make up for my wrong doings. So that's why I devised a plan to help Emily more and more because she liked to sing I would teach her a song at night I had heard somewhere but didn't remember where. I knew Emily hadn't slept since our first night in the cage and that was only an hour or so because she was awoken by the nightmares everyone knows her mother has. That was when the song popped into my head and from then on I taught her the words and the tune. Emily seemed to enjoy the song because it was kinda like what her Mom went through when she was out of her second Hunger Games but I didn't like it as much because it was exactly what I was feeling and I hated to show too much emotion.

Emily sang the song to us the next day and she seemed to linger a little longer than usual but then the man came to get us. He unchained our waists but chained out wrists behind our backs. Emily seemed to snap out of whatever trance she had been in. Ty whispered what we knew to catch her up and she nodded and stayed quiet but I could almost see the gears turning in her head. She looked at me and mouthed the words 'Thank you'. I only nodded and went back to looking at the floor.

We were lead up a flight of stairs and into as small room where the heavy chains were unlocked. Where are we and what are we doing here? I didn't know but I was sure I was about to find out. The wall in front of us rose up into the ceiling and we walked inside. The room we walked into was huge there were four chairs spread around the room and a big tree in the middle. There were obstacles around the room and at the far end of the room there were peace keepers waiting with tranquilizer darts. Matt and i exchanged glances and I knew he was thinking the same thing as me this whole thing was just a way to drive us crazy. To make us suffer as if we weren't already!

Nash's voice came over an intercom saying that the objective of this "Game" was to not get hit by the darts we were to try to hide but not take the peace keepers out. If we were caught we were going to wake up straped into one of those metal chairs to be tourchered more. If we could we were to try to save our companions befor they were taken.

Great! Another "Game" to try to get us to break! The gong sounded and we took off for the tree. Emily and Ty were about half way up and I wasn't too far behind. Matt was hot  on my trail when the dart hit his arm. I tried to grab him to keep him from falling but I wasn't quick enough. I was terrified that Matt would fall to his doom but just then Tyler's arm was around his waist and Matt was being lifted out of reach. Emily had taken charge once more and was guiding me up the tree. Once we were up at a safe hight Nash's laughing rang throughout the room. "Did I forget to mention that all the food in this room is hidden on the ground? Oops must have slipped my mind!" He kept laughing and I felt my blood run cold. We are stuck in a tree with no food or water, Matt is unconscious and I'm going to go crazy! How are we supposed to get out of this mess?  My eyes started to sting and I let the tears I had been holding back since Emily lost it race down my cheeks. There was a strong hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Emily looking at me with sympathetic eyes. It was her turn to be the strong. I broke down right there and then. I knew Emily wasn't any better on the inside but she was keeping it together for everyone Else's sake. She had shown her weakness to us in the dungeon now it was my turn here.

As time wore on Matt began to wake up but  I took little to no notice of it I was to rapped up in thinking about my family. My Mom was probably crying herself to sleep at night and my Dad was probably drunk. Dad always started to drink when things got tough but when he was needed he was there. I loved them both and wanted to keep them safe but how could I keep them safe as I couldn't even keep my self safe? I didn't know so I let the thought drift off.

Emily and Tyler looked so lonely at night I couldn't help but wonder why. After Tyler finally fell asleep I got up the courage to ask.

"I miss my Family." was the answer I got from Emily. "My little brother would always keep my nightmares away at night that's why he was allowed to sleep with me."

"Whats your brother's name?" I asked quietly feeling guilty again about taking her from her family.

She gave a sad smile "Raif and he is my best Friend in the whole world other than my Mom and Ty." She said

I wished I had a best friend. I had known Matt since we were little but he was  just a friend. I wanted someone to be my best friend but even when I was small I couldn't make friends that easily. Being as old as I was I wanted not only a best friend but someone I could confide in whole heatedly. Matt was the only friend I had ever had but I still didn't trust him as much as I wanted to. Being a 16 year old and an only child made it hard to find friends especially because we were rich compared to the people who lived in the "Seam" as it used to be called. My family was from the richer part of 6 and I was the odd ball. I wasn't the prettiest or the smartest but I did have at least one friend in the world and maybe in time I would gain two more but at the moment Tyler still didn't trust me after holding a knife to Emily's throat and Emily was still suspicious of us.

Hours past without any incident. As we got hungrier and hungrier Ty and Emily decided that they were going to go search for the food that was supposedly hidden in the room somewhere. I was to stay in the tree with Matt and act as a look out. The peace keepers made a round around the tree once and a while but they mostly just sat talking. Emily and Tyler crept down the tree and landed on the ground without a sound. They crept to the wall and placed a hand on it and started walking. Within minutes a panel in the wall popped open and there was a backpack in the space. Emily grabbed the backpack and ran to the tree and started to climb. Tyler was fallowing but as he started to climb the branch he was on suddenly gave a loud cracking sound and broke. Emily cried out but we were all to far away to grab him and support him. Tyler dropped with the branch. When Tyler hit the ground he was instantly surrounded by peace keepers. Tyler was in shock. Tyler struggled some but was not pricked with a dart. He was lead to a chair and was forced to sit. As soon as he was in the chair metal cuffs snapped his wrists to the arm rests, His feet to the base of the chair and there was one that went around his chest and one around his lap strapping him completely into the chair. Then the gag was put on.

Tyler struggled but he could barely move. One of the peace keepers went over to a wall and flipped a switch. A muffled scream escaped Tyler's lips and his face paled. The chair was an electric chair. The switch was flipped off but Tyler still looked pale. Emily cried out to him but there was nothing she could do without being caught herself. hours passed and with each new hour Tyler's chair was turned on. The peace keepers laughed at him and when he made any other sounds after the chair was turned off they would punch him and beat him. Finally I was fed up with watching him beaten senseless. I scurried down the tree and walked up behind one of the laughing peace keepers and tackled him to the ground. I had him pinned in a moment because he wasn't expecting it. But then there was a prick in my arm and I knew my screams would be joining Tyler's soon enough.

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