and the six members watched their seventh's body being carted into an ambulance with not a clue if he would survive.

they each stared at jungkook's face, nose plugged with clear tubes and mouth agape. jimin couldn't stop crying, but now his head pounding, probably from dehydration. "i'm going to go get a drink," he mumbled to no one in particular and left the room, reluctantly glancing back at the sick boy on the bed. he didn't want to leave him.

he had already left him alone enough.

a tear slid down jimin's face again, and he squeezed his eyes shut, cry threatening to burst from his throat. he ran back into the room, flushed face betraying his feelings. "jimin?" seokjin questioned, concerned glances dancing across the other member's faces. the boy opened his mouth—

and the beeping monitor beside jungkook began wailing loudly, never pausing like it normally did. "he's flatlining!" the leader exclaimed, and yoongi threw open the door to yell for help. jimin felt his heart freeze—flatlining?

jungkook's heart wasn't beating. he was dying.

doctors and nurses rushed in, some of them calling for them to back away and give them room. the blonde clutched at his chest, breathing in and out so quickly he thought he would hyperventilate. nonononononono— they began setting up the weird device that would shock him back to life—jimin never paid attention in school when they talked about "hospital etiquette"—and beginning hollering at each other. the six members huddled together in a corner, each straining to catch a glimpse of jungkook. "come on! another time," a female doctor bellowed, and another nurse said, "clear!" and they shocked him again.

come on, jungkook, he screamed inwardly, trying not to cry anymore. don't you dare die. you can't. you can't! i have to tell you... i have to fix this.

then to jimin's horror, the unimaginable happened. jungkook's skin began to glow. the doctors jumped away from him in awe just in time for the boy to begin shining as bright as the sun. everyone hid their eyes, and yoongi only could get out a "what the hell?!" before the room was filled with the brilliant light.

everyone stood there in a mix between amazement and sheer terror. jimin watched as namjoon was beginning to break along with yoongi. "what are you doing?! help him!" he snapped, but he was only met with terrified glances.

"i'm sorry," a doctor stuttered, "i-i don't know what to do."

hoseok collapsed in a chair back heaving as he tried to gulp down his cries. seokjin flung himself into namjoon's arms with a sob while taehyung and yoongi fell onto their knees, faces ghostly white.

jimin felt like sinking into a dark hole and never coming out. his sobs were jerking from his lips uncontrollably, and he tentatively stepped up to jungkook's side despite the blinding light and felt his legs give beneath him. he slumped over the brunette's body, staining his shirt with his tears. "i-i'm so sorry... this is all my fault... i'm so sorry." he gazed at the boy's expressionless face and broke down again. "even if it doesn't help you... even if i burn in hell for what i made you go through... i have to tell you."

the five other members looked at each other in confusion, unable to understand the situation. slowly, the sleeping boy's body stopped shining, as if his consciousness sensed what jimin meant.

the blonde took a deep breath and wiped his eyes, forcing a weak smile. "jeon jungkook, i'm in love with you." he bit his lip tightly to keep from crying outright. "i-i love you." that had been the first time he'd ever allowed himself to say it. "i love you more than life itself. i've loved you for a long time now, b-but i pushed myself away from you because i believed you would reject me. i thought you just wanted to be friends. and it's my foolish mistake that got you into this mess." jimin couldn't stop the whimper from lurching from his mouth. "i'm sorry," his whispered, and leaned over to capture the unconscious boy's lips with his own.

the kiss was so simple and pure, but jimin loved every bit of it. he had imagined millions of different scenarios kissing jungkook, but it was better than he could ever dream of. even though he was not awake, he didn't feel like it was one-sided. the younger's lips were not lifeless; contrarily, it felt like he was the lively boy he used to be before everything happened.

when jimin finally drew back to collect himself, his heart froze in his chest. jungkook had opened his eyes. a slight simper was upon his paled lips, and he gazed up at his hyung in adoration. the elder couldn't breathe, and he reached for his hand in one swift movement. "j-jungkook?"

the maknae opened his mouth, then shut it and furrowed his brow in annoyance. he tried to speak again, but found he could only make a squeak. then he realized why—his throat was probably destroyed because of the sharp stars' tearing up the inside. he struggled, but finally he was able to breathe, "i-i..."

jimin's heart swelled, and he pressed his forehead to the brunette's as he moved his lips close enough that they brushed jungkook's when he spoke. "i'm sorry he paused and kissed the boy's nose. "a million times, i'm sorry."

the youngest's cheeks grew pink, and he scrunched his face into a giddy smile. he tried to bring his arms up to embrace him, but his limbs had been weakened due to his starvation and only fell back at his sides. he stuck out his bottom lip faintly in sadness, but the only swept him up in a hug and murmured in his ear. "it's okay. i know. i know."

jungkook buried his face into jimin's fluffy blonde locks and closed his eyes. "i forgive you" he mouthed and smiled, tears pricking at his eyes.

jimin likes me. those three words would become his favorite phrase in the entire galaxy, greater than any star in the sky. he would tell himself this every night he was lonely, every morning he was self-conscious, and every time he felt unloved or unwanted. because someone wanted him. someone valued him. and someone "a million times" would be there for him.

and that night, he would finally be able to rest. because he wouldn't be alone when his eyes finally fluttered shut and he fell into a slumber. jimin would be right there, pulling him into his chest and wiping away his tears.

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