Chapter XIV - Truths at Every Corner

Start from the beginning

Then, a three knocks sounded against the threshold of the door. Their rescuer stood proud, her eyes elated and grinning ear to ear. “It’s woodland ox’s milk, infused with poppy, willow bark, and essence of the vine,” she said from the door, not yet entering.

“Emri, this is Kaleisha. She is the very one who saved your life. I am resourceful, but even I could not have pulled everything together to save you. You owe your life to her.”

The young girl took this opportunity to approach the bed and placed a hand on her shoulder as she shook her other hand.

“I’m glad to see you well and alert. Not many survive a ravencat’s attack. The venom in their saliva and claws is potent enough for us to use it as poison concentrate in our weapons.” Emri looked at her curiously. “It can take down a fully grown stag-moose. Perfect for hunting because it doesn’t taint the meat, but if an attack victim is left untreated, it’s fatal.”

“How long ‘til we can leave?” Emri asked.

Kaleisha shrugged her shoulders as she spoke, “Soon as your strength has returned. No more than a few days I’d say.”

“Thank you, Kaleisha. For all you’ve done. You’ve done a great service not only for me, but for the kingdoms as well … and I’m eternally grateful to you.”

 “I’m just glad we were able to help. Had I not found both of you …” She didn’t her thought, but all three knew and understood what she implied. “Anyway, that drink will relax you, make you sleepy. You should rest, your body needs it.” With a parting smile and hand wave, she left.

Nora had a thought as Emri lay awake, the medicine yet to take effect.  She went to her satchel and removed something covered in cloth. Nora handed it to her, and she slowly began lifting the layers. As soon as the smell hit her, she laughed out loud. “Grimish Seed bread! Ugh, Gods,” she exclaimed as she looked at the disgustingly black and purple slice.  It’s a wonder this putrid bread had any benefits at all. By the look and smell, one would think it took lives instead of saved them. “You saved some,” she said with an appreciative grin as she took a hesitant bite.

“Like you, love, I too can be resourceful.” Nora spoke and had to stifle a chuckle as Emri’s face contorted into one of appall and nausea.

Oh, it tasted awful. The rotten flavor covered one’s tongue, coating the palate in a thick glaze of disgusting oil and grime, but she muscled through it. As she swallowed, her face pinched together and her body shook at the acrid flavor.

“That’s the third time I’ve heard you call me that,” Emri said between bites, trying not to think at about chewing. Thankfully, the taste improved, or better yet, she grew more accustomed to it as she ate.

“Oh, I didn’t—does it bother you?”

“Course not! Why should it?”

Nora didn’t answer, but Emri took hold of her hands for added reassurance.

“I shouldn’t use it all,” she eventually said as she eyed about three-fourths of the slice. “We still have a ways in front of us. We might need it.”

“The Gray is just a few days ride from here. You need to eat this now if we wish to leave soon. It’s almost over, Emri. The hardest part has passed.”

She hummed in agreement as her eyes became heavy. She ate the rest though.

“You should rest.”

And she did, finally falling into what seemed like a peaceful slumber. Nora wished she could follow her, both figuratively and literally. She yearned to climb in behind her and hold her close. With their size difference, it would appear awkward, but she knew it would feel nothing like that. Sometimes the protector needed protecting of their own. Comfort, support, and love would always fuel the strongest of bonds. But alas, the bed would only fit one. So she scooted her chair closer, already feeling the comforting warmth of her love and the softness of the mattress beneath them.

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