"I've missed you too."


"So here's the plan." Calum said as he drove, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song that was playing faintly through the radio. " Me and Bree were spotted at this restaurant 'The Grange' the other week. We'll go there soon, let the paparazzi get a few pics of you because, trust me, they will be there." he explained.

I fiddled with my spare hair tie, not really interested in what plans I have with Calum as my 'boyfriend'. I shuddered at the thought.

"I have an interview at a radio station with the guys soon, I'll say you were a childhood friend and we hooked up."

"Urgh, no that'll make me sound like a freakin' gold digger." I crinkled my nose.

"In a way, that's good." Calum shrugged.

"What? How is that a good thing?" I spluttered. I don't want to be hated by fangirls from all around the planet. Heck, I get anxious when people don't smile back at me on the street.

"We don't want them to get attached to you." he explained, " This is a one time thing, they find out your name, where your from. We milk the story out for a few weeks and then you fade out of the story. Simple.""Fade out? Oh. Okay." I said quietly


"Oh nothing, nothing." I shook my head, wavering it off. I watched as we pulled into what looked like the back entrance of a hotel. "You know, it's barely seven in the morning, I'd highly doubt there will be people waiting out front." I scoffed. Calum laughed to himself and raised his eyebrows.

"You don't know our fans." he chuckled, " They'll find a way."

"Doesn't that feel a little weird?" I asked. He shook his head,

"Nah... they're pretty awesome." he parked the car and removed the keys. " Right." he turned to face me, "Ready?"

"One question." I said as Calum rolled his eyes.


"When we're not playing this whole facade thing, what will I be doing?"

Because the last thing I'll be doing is tuning instruments and collecting coffe, if that's what he has in mind. Calum unlocked his door and began to step out.

"I don't know, just us lot really. The guys and, uh," his eyes lit up, " And Bree, of course." he beamed like a little kid. "I can't wait for you two to meet. Now, get out of the car you lazy ass." he joked.

"They know that I'm just pretending to be your girlfriend, right?"

"Bree does." Calum said, a big goofy grin still plastered along his face.

"And the guys?" I asked before Calum shut the door.

"Nope." He said bluntly, before slamming the door shut.

Wait, what? I scrambled for the seat belt buckle and quickly jumped out of the car and followed Calum.

"What do you mean 'nope'?"

"Nope. No. Nah. Nay." Calum said coolly, locking the car behind us and leading me to a private elevator.

"Well, why the heck not?!" I gawked, " It's one thing keeping it a secret from the press but you live with these guys!" I jogged after him.

Calum pressed one of the cluster of buttons on the elevator wall. " Makes no difference. Me and Bree are a secret, if anyone finds out, she's terminated." he looked down at me, "So don't blow it."

"So her whole career could end if I don't keep my mouth shut?" I gaped.



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