Part 3

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We where all biking to the sewers quickly I didn't really know why they where going there but I'd rather not ask questions and wait till they start talking about it.

I stop cause I hear someone calling me,it was bill.

"W-we're going t-to get s-some s-stuff from e-eddies ho-house"said bill

"Ok than,lead the way" I said while backing away slightly with my bike so they could go in the front.

We started biking to eddies house while Eddie was leading the way to his house.they stopped at a house that I was guessing was eddies house.

We throw our bikes on the ground and me,Eddie,bill,and Richie and Ben went inside.We walked through the door and then we ran to the kitchen and started grabbing some stuff from the cabinets while Eddie was blabbing.

" Hey first you say the barrens now you say the sewer I mean what if we get caught" Eddie said bringing up what Bill said about the sewer.
"We won't! t-the sewers a-are p-p-public works" Bill replied.

"We are public aren't we" I said with a hint of sarcasm

"Hey Eddie are these birth control pills " Richie said while laughing slightly.

" Yea I'm saving them for your sister, this is private stuff!" Eddie said while shutting the cabinet Richie opened.

We where about to walk out the door with our bag full of stuff. Until his mom called Eddie.

"Eddie bear where are you guys going in such a rush "she said while painting her nails.

"Just Bills backyard Mrs. K " I answered trying to sound as nice as possible.

"I got a-a n-new.."bill said

"A new croquet set come on bill spit it out"Richie interrupted bill

"Ok but make sure not to role around in the grass,especially if it's just been cut,you know how bad your allergies get"said eddies mom.

We almost got to go until she wanted a kiss on the cheek I giggled a little along with Richie and Bill. Eddie backed away from his mom and tried pushing us out the door clearly embarrassed he looked at me and blushed

"Hey Mrs.K want a kiss from me?"
Richie asked while giggling afterwords

"Out,Out!" Eddie said finally succeeding in pushing us out

"Let's go" I said while getting on my bike and heading to the sewers

Time skip brought to you by Shrek the third~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We got to the sewer and threw our bikes right outside of the sewer.

"That's poison ivy and that's poison ivy "Stan kept repeating while pointing to every plant in sight.

"I'm pretty sure those are just leafs not poison ivy" I giggled and looked at Stan as our eyes met. We both looked away and blushed slightly.

"Well I'm starting to get itchy now so it has to be somewhere" Eddie said while scratching his arm.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mom"Richie said trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh god" I said while giggling slightly I looked at bill and saw him blushing.

"Sometimes yeah"Eddie said confused to why I was giggling.

"Then you probably have crabs" Richie said and we both bursted our laughing.

"that's so not funny" Eddie said and I tried to stop laughing when I saw Eddie had a serious face.

"You know your walking in grey water"Eddie said with a disgusted face.

"what's grey water?" Richie asked with a confused face i also looked at Eddie with a confused face not knowing what Grey water was.

"It's a mixture of piss and shit,so I'm just saying your all walking in derry's piss and shit it's like a big toilet bowl"Eddie said while putting his hands up like he was saying 'don't say I didn't warn you' sort of way.

Richie picked up and stick with something on it.

"Oh no your gonna get a staff infection" Eddie said with a 'are you dumb face.

Richie ignored him and smelt the thing in the stick "doesn't smell like caca to me señior" Richie said with an accent at the end.

I laughed and looked at him he smirked and dropped the stick.
Then Eddie and Richie started to argue I rolled my eyes and went back to bills side.

We both saw a shoe and he picked it up.

"GUYS!" I yelled to Eddie Richie so they could listen.

"Fuck don't tell me that's " Richie said while pouting the flash light at the shoe.

"B. Ribsom" I read aloud.

"Oh shit ,Oh Fuck! I don't like this" Eddie cursed while freaking out with Stan.

"How do you think Betty feels walking around with only one freaking shoe"Richie laughed. I tried not to laugh and instead hit his back.

"Don't joke around like that" I said and looked away from him being able to hold in my laugh.

"What if she's still here " Stan whispered.

"It's fine now come on" I said nobody moved they all just looked at each other.

"Eddie,Stan come on"Richie said.

"My mom will have a heart attach if she finds out we are playing in here"Eddie said worriedly.

"Eddie stop being a baby lets go" I said and motioned him to come in "Bill?" I added and looked at him.

"I-if I w-was Betty I w-would want us t-to find me, a-an-nd Georgie" he said sounding like he was going to cry.

I walked to him and hugged him

"What if I don't wanna find them" Eddie said looking as serious as ever.

I stopped hugging bill and looked at Eddie with a mad stare.

"I mean no offense but I don't wanna end up like Georgie,I don't wanna go missing either"He finished and looked away from my stare.

"He has a point" Stan agreed with his voice screeching at the end
"It's summer we should be having fun, this isn't fun this is scary and disgusting" Stan said with his voice screeching a couple more times here and there.

"Guys..." I said to get all there attention.

Ohh first cliff hanger
some of you may know it's kinda obvious but whatever.

Sorry for taking so long to update this chapter I tried making this chapter as long as I could to make up for it.

Make sure to vote and comment what ever the fuck you want 😁

Have a nice day love ya ♥️

1339 words

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