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ha long time no see huh? the videos really just for viewing pleasure, so enjoy that, this chapter probably sucks I'm sorry((: enjoy \(o.o)/


For some reason, she looked hurt this morning. I don't know why and it's killing me. The twinkle in her eyes have turned to tears, it's killing me.

She walked over to our table during breakfast with no food and just laid her head in her arms. Justina leaned down and whispered some things into her ear. I could see Milani's head move a little, and she mumbled something back to Justina.

They continued like that for a good little bit, and I just stared the whole time. Someone kept kicking me under the table, but I wasn't going to stop, I want to know what's wrong.

Finally Justina said something that ignited this flame in Mil, making her stand up and walk out. She left through the same doors that lead to our room, but also the restrooms, so I waited a little before excusing myself to the restroom, when in reality I went to search for her.

When i pushed open the big wooden doors, i looked around for her. Seeing she wasn't in the lobby, i walked up the big grand stairway, on the side closest to me, up towards our room. I pushed open the doors and walked in, seeing her sitting Indian style on the couch, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks and her phone in her hand, while she was FaceTiming someone i guess.

I quickly apologized before walking into my bedroom, feeling jealous hearing a male's voice on the other end of her phone.

After laying on my bed for a while and staring at the light on the ceiling i heard a soft knock and the door squeak as it opened. I could tell it was her because the bed barely dipped when she sat down.

"Hey." I continued to look up, scared that I'd shatter if her eyes met mine.


"Why are you up from breakfast so early?"

"I guess," i stopped to sigh, nervous that what'd i say would ruin everything.

"I guess, i just wanted to check on you, ya know, you seemed pretty shaken up, so i just wanted to make sure you were fine." I lied through my teeth, really wanting to say i just came to make sure you were okay because i really like you, possible love you. you're so beautiful and amazing and i just want you to love me back.

"Oh, well thanks that was nice of you, but yeah I'm fine." She smiled, lying straight through it. I rolled my eyes before telling her off. "No you're not,"

"What, yeah i am?" She looked shaken up, scared "Just tell me what's bothering you, and I'll tell you what's bothering me." She chuckled at that, like i had said something hilarious.

"We're not in elementary anymore, that's not really how it works but sure,"

"So there's this guy that i really like, and i don't know if he likes me back, i actually think he's like in love with someone else, and i would maybe tell him how i felt is i wasn't such a pussy, or in this abusive relationship ya know." She looked over at me to make sure i was listening, but little does she know i was breaking.

"What's he like, I'll tell you what i think."

"He's a sweetheart, well to everyone but me, which i don't know if that's his childish ways, saying he likes me or he doesn't. He is real easy on the eyes, of you know what i mean, he has the sharpest jaw, and the prettiest eyes. He's such a passionate guy, so genuine, just the best. But we seem to bump heads a lot, he said he liked me a while back but he went back on his word, with his actions. He seems so great but he has this guard up to me, i like him so much but he just won't be straight up with me." She vented, i decided to walk the tightrope made out of twine and jump because i know i'll never know if i don't ask.

"Is he me?" I asked hoping the answer was yes.

"No you vain cornball." She laughed ripping my heart into multiple pieces.

"I'm joking, I'm joking! Yeah, he's you." She said looking down. I put my hand under her chin, making her look up and look me in the eyes.

I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and smiled before telling her how i felt,

"i feel the same way,"

oof an update, who dat? i've never seen that, smelt that, tasted that. lol how ya been? it's been a long while huh, well give me feedback bitches !!
sorry that was unacceptable behavior, but I'm just as excited as you, you may not be excited though so in that case i'm more excited than you, but anywho thx for wasting your time with me.


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