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Jasper sat in the uncomfortable chair his head was down and he was pretending to sleep when Athena Uncle walk into her hospital room. Her uncle slow aprotch towards Athena.

He sees that even in Jasper sleep he is holding on to Athena Dan smiled softly at the two remembering what young love felt like. He bends down and grabs Athena other hand thinking on what to say.

"you scared me Athena, I thought I was going to be loosing you too. Came down here as fast as I could. I'm so glad your going to be okay. I don't know what Is do if I lost you too. Lost your mom and your dad. Lost everyone in our family. I got so scared Athena..." he trails off wiping a tear away from his face as he let's go and stands back a bit.

Dan left the room needing a moment to himself. shortly afterwords Athena wakes up. Her eyes stung as she tries to get use to the bright lights in the room. she looked around notice that she's in the hospital and Jasper was standing over her. she blinked up at him a few times before slowly moving her arm and grabbing Jasper shirt.

Jasper holds still makingnsjre she's okay and not wanting to hurt her more than she always is. Athena pulls him close till she can wrap both of her arms around him. Jasper slowly moves his arms to wrap around her barely even hugging back afried of hurting her.

"I'm so glad your okay Athena. J thought we were to late. I thought you were changing." Jasper says. Athena pulls back and cups Jasper face smiling down at him. "I'm fine, I'm safe. you guys saved me." she says.

A knock was herd and they both turned to see Edward and Carlisle standing there. Athena how are you feeling?" Carlisle asks. "sore but I'll live." Athena says smiling. the two smiled at her as her uncle came back into the room his eyes lighting up seeing his niece is awake and moving.

he rushes up and pulls his niece into a soft hug and he cried with relief. "Don't ever scare me like that again Athena you here me." he says. Athena nods. "What happen?"Athena asks. her uncle moves back. "sweetheart you and Alice were in a car accident on your way home from the trip. Alice says you shield her from the crash so she only had minor injures." Dan says.

Athena smiles weakly. "yeah that sounds like something I'll do to the ones I love." she says. Dan smiles at her and turns to Carlisle. "do you know when she can be realised? " Dan asks. "well keep her over night but if all is well I'll say two days from now. " he says. Athena cheers and everyone laughs.

After a few hours her uncle had to leave and get back to work. Carlisle met Jasper stay and he say next to Athena. Jasper holds onto Athena hand as Athena and him just talked.

letting out a yawn Jasper was tonight leave to let her sleep but she held on to his hand. "lay with me Jasper please. " she asks. "I don't think that be smart."Jasper says trying to pull his hand away but Athena wouldn't met him. "please Jasper. " she begged. Jasper sighs giving in and lifts Athena up carefully to not pull her Ivs out. he gets into her bed and lays her down helping her curl up on his side. Jasper grabs the blanket Carlisle gave him to blend in and wraps it around Athena so she wouldn't get cold while she laid with him.

Athena ends up falling asleep while Jasper held his breath and run his fingers through her hair. Jasper was in love with a human that he knew wouldn't be with him forever.


A few days later and Athena Uncle was sighing the papers to release Athena from the hospital and boy was she glad. even though Jasper stayed by her side the whole time and the rest of the siblings coming by, Rosalie was starting to be civil with Athena no longer glaring at her but sending her soft half smiles.

Athena sighs laying on her bed home at last when he uncle knocks on the door checking up on her. "Athena hugged her uncle and the two shared another moment. "by the way Alice is here." he says as she leaves Athena smiles as she sees Alice housing into her room smiling wide. "Finally your home!" she says cheerfully.

"so I have everything set up and ready to go for prom next week." Alice says sitting down on Athena desk chair. Athena frowns. "Alice in not going to prom besides I missed the date to buy prom tickets." Athena says. Alice smiles wide. "wrong, I saw you and Jasper at prom and I bought everything, don't worry you'll have an amazing time." She says smiling.

Athena rolls her eyes and smiles. "thank you Alice that means a lot to me."Athena says. Alice hugs Athena. "were sister's now Athena." Alice says.  Athena smiles at Alice. "good I'm glad I can call you my sister. " she says.

Alice starts telling Athena on what she was planing to do to Athena for prom but refusing to show her the dress or shows. After Alice leaves Athena gets ready for bed and leaves the window open for Jasper.

he comes in and smirks at her. "maybe you should leave your window open, there's monster lerking at every corner. " Jasper says. Athena smiles and pulls Jasper to bed. "good thing I have you to protect me."she says. Jasper smiles and Athena leans in kissing Jasper softly.  Jasper slowly kisses back and Athena pulls away smiling. "was that one better?" she asks.

"yes thank you darling." Jasper says. Athena smiles and lays down in bed Jasper soon joining her. "I enjoy this, sometimes I wish I can hit the pause button and just enjoy this for a bit. pretend that my life is normal. but at the same time I wouldn't have it any other way. I like not having normal. k like having you in my life Jasper Hale. " Athena says.

Jasper looks down at her and kisses her head. "you mean the world to me Athena." Jasper says. Athena lays her head on jasoer hard chest and closes her eyes. "thank you for letting me be in your life." Athena says as she drifts off to sleep.


1092 words. filler chapter. One chapter left till Blood lust is over and book two comes out!! don't forget to vote on which wolf you want for Athena

PAUL and SETH are tied with 3

EMBRY has 1 vote.  keep voting. you have till the end of book one.

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