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Jasper was able to get me to sit back down. We had a stare off untill the waitresses came back with my meal and i thanked her. I took a bite and looked back at Jasper.  "So, were you following me?" I questioned.

"Yes." He says i tilt my head and cross my arms. "Why? That's very creepy of you. Should I be getting a restraining order? "I questioned.  "No, it's just .... very hard for me to stay away from you. I feel like I need to watch over you." He says looking at me. I bit my lip.

"You know, you are very odd Mr. Jasper Hale." I say going back to eatting my soup. He smiles softly at me and lets me eat. After I finish he paid much to my protest but i left a good tip instead. He leads me back to his car and opens it for me before closing it. By the time I grabbed my seatbelt Jasper was already in the car and it shocked me. "How the hell you get in here so fast. "I questioned while buckling up.

He doesn't answer just outs on the heater and starts the car. The drive i realize was very fast. I held on for dear life. "Do you alwaysdrive this crazy?" I asked. I see him slow down a bit but not a lot. I huffed and try to calm myself down. "So are you finially going to tell me what's up? " I asked crossing my arms. He glances at me then looks back at the road and in frowned. "Okay well I'm definitely warm nkw." I say while reaching to turn off the hearter Jasper doing the same making our hands touch. I pull back with a gasp.  His hand was freezing cold.

I watch his jaw clench and the hands on the wheel whiten from him gripping it so much. "Jasper?" I questioned reaching out to lay my hand on his shoulder. He flinch back and looks at me. "Stop the car." I say. He decides to ignore me and keeps going. "Damnit Jasper stop the car!" I yelled. He finially listens and pulls over. I rip the keys away and put them in my pocket. "We are not going anywhere untillyou tell me what the hell is going on." I say while trying to calm down. I felt something wash over me and i no longer felt angry but calm I looked up at him. "Why do I feel all theses emotions around you? Why do you act so strange? How do you know where i was? And no excuses Jasper." I say calmily he looks at me with a pain expression.

He doesn't say anything so I continue on with my ranting. "And don't even get me started. On the fact that you and your  family never eat, your always so cold. Your eyes will turn black. You talk like your from another century. All of you habe dark circles under your eyes like you never even sleep. I just don't- " i stopped realizing something and I looked at him. "What are you? Because it's definitely not human." I say.

"I think it's time for me to take you home now." He says not looking at me. I shook my head. "No, not until you tell me." I say. He cracks a smile and shakes his head before a scowl replaces his smile. "I'm a monster Athena." He says. "What are you." I repeated. "You already know." He says. I shook my head again. "I don't- "  Jasper cuts me off. "You do! Say it Athena!" Jaspers says.

"Jasper I-" he cuts me off again. "You said it yourself Athena. We don't eat, don't sleep, always cold, never out in the sun. Come on you know it so just say it."Jasper yells. I looked at him. He was right I did knew it. Bit saying out loud would soundjust as crazy as it is in my head. Jasper repeated himself again. "Say it." I took a deep breath ready to say the most craziest thing to have ever come out my mouth.

"Vampire." I whispered.  His jaw clenched and he nodded in conform he stuck his hand out asking for the keys and i finally gave it to him. He starts up the car and we begin the fast drive back to forks. "Your not scared." He questioned suddenly snapping me out of my thoughts.  I shook my head no. "Why should I be?" I questioned. 

"You forgot one thing. What do we eat." He says while tightily holding onto the wheel. I loomed at him but he just stares at the road. "I  you won't hurt me." I say softly.  That makes him laugh and shake his head. "Oh Athena you are trapped inside a car with a vicious killer. I could kill you in a second" he says. I shrug. "True but you would have done it already by now. You've had many chances to kill me but yet here we are." I say he glances at me. "There's just something about you Athena that i just can't stay away. " he says. "Then don't " i replied.

He laughs like it's the most funny thing in the world.  "Oh Athena you should know your facing death everytime your around me." He says. "then i die" i say like it was no big deal.  His face harders. "I will die before you die Athena. I will protect you even if it's from mtself. I can't stay away from you like i should. I've tried. Trust me I have. But i just can't seem to stay away and if you were smart you stay away." Jasper says. I smile softly. "Good thing I'm not smart. I'm not going anywhere now." I say. I see him frown at that but agreed.

We finially make it to my house. Something that sould take two hiurs onky took 20 minutes because of Jasper reckless driving. I looked at him. "Your not just gonna up and leave are you. " I questioned.  He looked at me. "No, I'm staying as long as you want me to stay." He says. I smile softly. "Thats going to be an awful long time then. " I say. He nods and i get iut if the car. "Bye Jasper, thank you for everything. " i say he nods and i close the car door and make my way to my front door.  Jasper doesn't even leave until i make it inside.

"Athena is that you?" My uncle voice shouts. I roll my eyes and smjle carrying the bags to the kitchen. "No it's a robber coming in to steal your things." I  yell while outting the stuff away and go into the living room. It was late. But i know my uncle didn't care because i never gave him a reason to show i was unreasonable. He looks at me and smiles." How was dress shooping?" He questions.  I shrugged "it was good. I got the stuff you wanted." I say. He nods and smiles.  "Hey listen I'm going to hit the hay, got work in a few hours." He says standing up i nod and bid him a good night before going up stairs and pullimg down the attic and going into my room. I sighed softly sitting down at my bed.

After everything that was told to me today. I realize that I was falling for Jasper Hale faster than I thought I would.

《 1254 words. ☺ she knows  about Jasper yay!!》

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