I heard her sigh, and I found myself doing the same. My heartbeat was as calm as the atmosphere, the tranquillity of the place was very soothing I almost want to sleep as well.

"This is so beautiful, thanks."

My eyes slowly fell shut. "Hmm, imagine this during midnight."

"I'd love that," she whispered and giggled. Her head left my shoulder and I felt her give me a light kiss, keeping the closest distance even when she pulled away.

I almost didn't want to open my eyes, when I did, I was looking at hers. I smiled, "Alright now, we've got to go. You'll have the rest of your life for this."

"Oh. . . yeah."

As if she didn't want to do it, she shut her eyes before flipping the switch, the music and the lights died down in the silence and the dark. I stood up and turned the lights on. "Come on, we've got to go. I think the Wild West is quite finished."

She held my hand all the way until we left the building where I handed her the red beanie she made hold earlier. The whole ride, I tried to ask her what will go on later for her birthday and she said she doesn't know. I could tell already, it was going to be the same disaster as last time.

When I pulled up right at their yard, one thing I've never done before. My nose wrinkled quickly once I got down as the usually white curtains are now yellowish brown, and the house was very quiet. There is something very suspicious about that.

Taylor and I both froze, I looked over to her for an answer but she seemed as puzzled as I am. Does that mean her house had never been this quiet before?

"Is this bad?" I asked her.

"I got slimed last time," she answered and my eyes widened. I hope that doesn't happen this time. "Well, whatever. Shall I go first?"

I didn't answer. I walked over to her, took her hand and walked inside first. We both looked around, the silence of the house is oddly dodgy to me. I looked around the entrance, careful enough not to tip over anything because things are still messy but I gotta say things are creative over here. Their home cacti are actually around the place so I had to be careful, the place was still brightly lit and messy but the silence was the thing bothering me.

"This is creepy," Taylor thought out loud saying whatever it is that's on my mind as well.

The only noise that was heard was when a Border Collie ran by and then there was silence again. Taylor said that the dog was named, Yoda.

Right around the walls, wanted posters of the family were printed all around the family, Taylor's having the highest amount about $100 000 000.

"I should probably turn you in," I said and she laughed. I took one WANTED poster of hers and it said "Taylor Swift" and "WANTED for Unearthly beauty, infinite sweetness and thievery."

I wondered about that thievery part because of the first two being compliments. Then again she'd once spent a night at a mall jail. . . but then she told me that her family never knew.

"I'd turn you in too," she replied honestly. "Shocks, yours are really sweet." She took one WANTED poster of mine and read, "WANTED for thievery. . . for stealing my sister's heart." She laughed a little bit and then raised her voice a bit. "Timmy, you're a genius!"

"Thanks, Taylor!" Timothy replied and it comes from the living room straight to the hallway from the right. We heard a collective number of shushes and Taylor giggled.

Her shoulders shrugged cutely as she continued giggling. "He always responds to compliments." As soon as we walked into the empty living room, she said, "Come out, you guys, there's no —"

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