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He was rudely awoken by someone him in the ribs. His eyes flew open and he was disgusted when he saw the man from the day before standing over him. 

"Good morning, my friend. Did you sleep well last night?" 

Hyunwoo glared at him and turned away.

"Did Kihyun teach you to ignore your friends?" The man mocked him. Hyunwoo rose to his full height, towering over his captor. "Don't ever mention his name in front of me." He pointed a finger at him threateningly.

The man rubbed the bruise on the side of his head, as though remembering the punch Hyunwoo gave him yesterday. 

"Aw, it looks like you still miss him, don't you?" He continued provoking Hyunwoo, who was getting increasingly irritated.

With a yell or frustration, Hyunwoo launched himself at the man. 

"I don't miss Kihyun!" He roared and gave the man a punch that sent him flying. "Listen, I don't know who you are, or why you even captured me, but if you're looking for Kihyun, you've found the wrong person!"

The man fell heavily, landing on his back. He slowly got up to his feet. "That's the attitude. It looks like the both of us hate Kihyun, don't we?" There was an evil smile on his mouth.

"Can we agree that Kihyun is a sly, manipulative, heartless beast who cares more about money than anything else?" 

Hyunwoo thought hard. Everything he said about Kihyun actually fits. It's sad, but it's the truth.

Hyunwoo nodded reluctantly. "Imagine, if there was no Kihyun, how wonderful our lives would be. You can live with your parents harmoniously: there will be no more quarrels over Kihyun." The man broke into a broad grin. 

Is this what I really want?

"If you're on my side, I need you to do me a simple favor," The man reached into his pocket and pulled out Hyunwoo's phone. "Drop a text to Kihyun and ask him out for a coffee date." Hyunwoo frowned. 

"But I thought-" He started, but he was interrupted by his captor.

With a steely look in his eyes, the man thrust the phone at Hyunwoo. "Do as I say." Hyunwoo took the phone over and opened his messages. With a deep breath, he began typing.

If you're still in Korea, do you want to hang out and grab a coffee?

His thumb hovered over the 'Send' button. 

Do I really want to do this? Kihyun may not have been the perfect boyfriend, but he had never done anything to hurt him. He had a feeling that he'd regret it once he did it.

As he considered all his choices, he could feel the man staring daggers at him. Fearing for his life, he quickly sent the message. "I d-did it." He muttered.

  Shame on you, Hyunwoo. If anything were to happen to Kihyun, you'd be responsible for his life. 

The man clapped his hands with a look of satisfaction on his face.

He took Hyunwoo's phone and kept it in his pocket. "That was simple, wasn't it?" He grinned at Hyunwoo before turning and marching out of the room, leaving Hyunwoo feeling even more horrible than ever.

What have I done?


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