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Dear Hyunwoo,

I sent the car key back to you because it's something I want you to have. Consider it a parting gift from me. The car can be collected anytime at the following address.

Use it well.


There was an address on the other side of the paper. That's all? He flipped the letter over a few times until reality sank in and kicked him hard in the gut. We're really a thing of the past. Hyunwoo laughed bitterly. Well, he's probably busy with his gang things.

Walking out of his room, he waved at his parents. "I'll bring you to the car! I'm sure it's something you two would definitely like!" 

His mother clapped excitedly. "I can't wait to see what our Hyunwoo bought with his hard-earned money!" His father merely cast him a dubious look but agreed to come along anyway.

In the cab, Hyunwoo realized he had never seen the car for himself either. I wonder what car model it is. He only knew it was a BMW, and that it probably cost a bomb.

They arrived at a private car garage. Hyunwoo headed to the service counter and showed the staff the key. 

The staff's eyes widened in surprise. "So you're the owner of that car," He smiled at Hyunwoo while leading them to the basement garage, "The staff here were wondering which rich tycoon owned that car."

The garage shutters slowly opened, revealing a sleek car with a metallic body. It was a newly bought car, from its gleaming exterior. "It's such a majestic beauty." The staff sighed as he admired the car.

"Are you sure you bought this with your own money?" Hyunwoo's father walked over to the car and ran a finger over its hood. "Y-yeah, of course!" Hyunwoo stammered. His father frowned and squinted his eyes at Hyunwoo. "Tell me what car model this is, then."

Oh, crap. Hyunwoo swallowed nervously and his eyes darted around, trying to look for clues from the car body. "I-I don't know. I just..." His father cut him off and gestured for Hyunwoo to follow him.

"Listen, Hyunwoo," His father prodded him in the chest, "out with the truth." Hyunwoo opened his mouth but no words came out. "I'm hoping you didn't steal the car." He continued. Hyunwoo shook his head furiously. "I didn't!"

His father crossed his arms. "You barely earn enough to pay for your own expenses and the utility bills." Hyunwoo looked away shamefully. "So, where did you get the car from? Where did you get the money to buy the car from, assuming you even bought it in the first place."

Hyunwoo watched as his mother walked over to join them. "What's going on?" She asked, noticing the obvious tension between father and son. "I'm suspecting that he got this car by unlawful means." His father pointed at Hyunwoo, who merely looked down at his feet.

His mother sighed in despair. Pushing his hand away, she placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. "Why do you belittle Hyunwoo? I'm sure he worked hard for it." His father groaned. "I'm not belittling our son." Gesturing wildly to the car, he continued.

"It would be a lot more believable that he bought it with his own money if it didn't cost close to 500 million won!"

His words reverberated around the garage. "500...million?" His mother spluttered. Hyunwoo couldn't believe his ears. 500 million won? He had no idea that it cost so much. With a tired look on his face, his father turned to him. "Where did you get the car from?"

Defeated, Hyunwoo sighed. Wringing his hands together, he told them the truth.

"Kihyun gave it to me as a parting gift."


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