i'm so glad i found you

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

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Andi ran into the tower as fast as she could while still in heels, ignoring the last of those that remained. She didn't bother waiting on the elevator. Instead, she ran into the stairwell and shot a web as far as she could, pulling herself up over and over again until she got to the top floor. She was quiet as she pulled the door open. There were multiple workers running around with boxes meant to be put on the plane for the move upstate, and there wasn't a single one of them she could afford to be seen by. They all knew who she was, of course, so being seen wouldn't be a problem any other time, but her plan could not be followed through if she were to be seen, especially if she were to be seen by Happy. He already didn't like her very much, and while he knew Andi normally stayed at the tower, he wouldn't appreciate her getting in the way of moving day.

About three minutes passed by. Andi, who was watching the workers and Happy run around the top floor from the stairwell, very carefully and quietly made her way onto the floor and over to the plane. She sprinted inside, finding a spot behind one of the many boxes to prevent from being seen by anyone.

The plane was set to take off in about five minutes, or at least that was what Happy alerted the team not too long ago. She was growing impatient, simply because she wanted to put a stop to the Vulture, go back to Peter's apartment, and go to sleep for the next year or so. She didn't think she'd ever been given a mission as exhausting as the one Tony had given her only months ago. She'd come to love the mission, or at least the reason behind the mission, but because of that she'd also grown to fear the mission. Peter was so important to her, and to lose him because of a few mistakes would break her apart inside.

Soon, the doors of the plane began to close. Andi could hear the engines roaring to life, and before long she could feel herself in the air. She sat back, removing the shield from her face and throwing it to the ground.

Andi couldn't believe where she was at the moment. She couldn't believe she was living the life she was living. She could remember growing up relatively normal, but when she turned six, when her aunt got the job of a lifetime and became involved with one of the world's most known people, all of that changed. While living with her parents she led a pretty normal life, only facing the abnormality when she received a visit from her Aunt Pepper or from Tony, who'd taken quite the strange liking to the family. After the Chitauri Invasion, however, her life was anything but normal, despite how hard Tony and Pepper worked to make it so that wasn't the case. Receiving her abilities didn't help either, as they placed a responsibility upon her she'd never asked for, though she was not at all ungrateful.

It was only now, after meeting Peter, that she was beginning to accept the abnormality that was her life. He'd given her a new reason to fight, a new reason to believe that this was the life she'd always been meant for, and that was something she would never be able to pay back to him.

Minutes later, a thumping noise could be heard on the bottom of the plane. Andi stood up and looked down, slowly making her way behind another set of boxes. She was sure of the reason behind the noises, though she wasn't sure if that reason also included Peter. She would just have to wait and find out.

Recluse → Peter ParkerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang