whatever you say, parker

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Andi, Ned, and Peter were in Peter's room. Andi was laying on his bed, while Ned was in the floor playing with one of the many toys Peter's suit had to offer. Peter was next to Andi on the bed, watching Ned as he admired every single detail of the contraption in his hands.

"This is so awesome."

"I know, right?"

Ned stuck his finger through the holographic picture, further revealing where the man Peter was tracking was located.

"They're in Brooklyn," Andi alerted the two of them. She wasn't necessarily happy. She knew for the next several hours all the three of them would be doing was tracking the location of these men, and that was not what she wanted to spend her time doing. She wanted to be out in the city doing something productive with her time, rather than sitting in her best friend's room waiting on some glorious location announcement. Since she couldn't have that, though, Andi decided the one thing that would be best for her would be catching up on the sleep that Tony and his ridiculous midnight phone calls had deprived her of.

Andi cuddled herself into Peter's comforter and rolled over in his bed. She closed her eyes, and in minutes she was fast asleep, the only thing on her mind being Peter and the fear of losing him.

It was something she was not at all in charge of. Her subconscious mind had a tendency to torment her when she allowed herself to grow close to someone, something of which only included Tony and Pepper during the last several years of her life.

Andi found herself trapped inside her mind. She was running around in the dark, looking for a way out, but was forced to a stop by the bloody sight in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat when she took notice of the chocolate brown hair connected to the bright red and blue suit. It was Peter, that much she knew, but what she didn't know was how he'd ended up the way he had.

"It's your fault," a familiar voice could be heard behind the blonde.

Andi spun around with tears burning in her brown eyes. Tony stood in front of her with a pained expression on his face, and the sight of him only made Andi feel worse.

"W-what do you mean?" Andi spoke frantically.

Tony stepped toward her. "I told you to look after him and you didn't. Now he's gone, and it's all your fault."

"No." Andi sucked in a heavy breath and turned back around to find Peter still laying on the ground. "I didn't—this shouldn't have happened."

"But it did."

Andi ignored Tony and ran to Peter, dropping to her knees at his side and pulling his body into her arms. The tears flowed quickly down her face as she held him tightly. Everything she'd done for him hadn't been enough. She'd been assigned to protect him, but her desire to be a normal teenager blindsided her. Andi let Peter down, which was something she promised to herself and to Tony she wouldn't do.

"I'm so sorry I let you down," Andi cried.

She could hear Tony's footsteps behind her, but she paid him no mind. Her focus was on Peter and everything she could've and should've done to prevent what happened from happening.

"It'll be you next," Tony said to her.

"What do you mean?" Andi sniffed and held Peter tighter in her arms.

"If you can't protect him, how do you expect to protect yourself?"

Andi glanced back at Tony just in time to see him raise his armored hand in her direction. The glowing light of his repulsor blinding her. She knew what was about to happen, and she didn't particularly care all too much. Andi would accept her fate, as she'd been the one responsible for Peter's. It was only fair she received what she'd given.

"And so it appears there's no one here to save you," Tony said. "Just as there was no one here to save him."

And with those last few words, it was over.


A familiar voice was attempting to pull Andi from the dark.


Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up to find Ned and Peter staring down at her, both with worried expressions on their faces. Andi sat up and rubbed her eyes before shifting her attention to the two boys. Ned had Peter's mask on his face, something of which frightened her slightly, while Peter stood and stared with furrowed brows and glistening brown eyes.

Andi sighed and ran a hand through her hair. It was dark outside, which meant she'd been asleep for quite some time. It made her wonder if they'd gotten any leads on the two men who'd been lurking around the high school earlier.

"So, did you two get any leads?" Andi questioned the boys. "Know where they are?"

Peter raised a brow and sat down beside her. "Yeah, but we can worry about that in a minute," he said to her.

"Yeah," Ned added. "You seemed pretty distressed in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare?"

Andi nodded, but the last thing she wanted to do was talk about the nightmare. The mere thought of losing Peter to this life scared her to death, and she didn't want to worry him by talking about the nightmare.

"What was it about?" Peter asked her.

"Nothing," Andi answered, her tone indicating she wanted to drop the subject. "Where are these guys at?"


"What the hell is in Maryland?" Andi questioned.

Peter shrugged. "I'm thinking an evil lair."

"I don't doubt that for a second, Parker." Andi couldn't help but laugh at him. "How are you gonna get there, though?"

"The decathlon," Ned answered for Peter.

Andi raised a brow. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, it's not too far from Washington," Peter answered her.

"You're gonna get yourself into trouble if you keep doing shit like this, Peter," Andi scolded him with a chuckle.

Peter only shrugged and laid back onto his mattress. "I'm gonna do whatever I gotta do to prove to Mr. Stark that I can do this."

"Whatever you say, Parker."

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