a wonderful choice of words

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Andi stared at the suitcase on her oversized bed. It was full of clothes and other necessities for her to take with her on her trip to Washington for the Decathlon, but there was something missing, she thought. As she continued looking over the abundance of clothes and the lack thereof, a thought popped into her head. Her eyes brightened immediately and she turned to head out of her room, though she stopped the moment the door opened to reveal Happy. He looked at her, looked to the suitcase on her bed, and back again.

"Where do you think you're going?" Happy questioned her with a raised brow. Tony left Happy in charge of looking out for not only Peter, but Andi as well. He hated that his time was spent worrying about two teenagers, but he was also happy Andi was, in essence, the only one he needed to watch over. Andi had taken over watching Peter for him, something of which thrilled him tremendously. Peter could be far too much to deal with sometimes.

"To find my suit."

Andi made an attempt to get past Happy, but he grabbed her by the arm to stop her.

"What exactly do you need your suit for?" He eyed the suitcase on her bed again. "And what are you packing for?"

Andi chuckled and shook her head, removing herself from Happy's grip. "If you actually cared about the job Tony gave you to do, and if you actually cared about me, you'd know exactly what I was packing for."

"You know I care about you," Happy rolled his eyes. "Just because I don't act like it doesn't mean I don't."

"What a wonderful choice of words, Happy," Andi scoffed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my suit."

She left her room quickly and headed into the common area of the tower. Her mess from the night before was still present, as was her suit, so she grabbed it and ran back to her room to finish packing. Luckily for her, Happy was no longer present, so she was able to continue on without an interruption.

After Andi finally finished packing, she picked up her phone to call Ned. The two were meant to head to the school together, while Peter was still unsure of what he was planning on doing, as were the two of them. Andi was sure Peter was going to get himself into some kind of trouble while they were in DC, but she couldn't necessarily help him without being by his side throughout it, and she was much too afraid to blow her cover, despite the nightmare she'd had only days ago.

"Hey, what's up?" Ned answered the phone.

Andi grabbed her team jacket and threw it over her shoulders. "Not much, about to leave my house. Are you ready to go or are you still trying to stuff the remnants of the Death Star into your suitcase?"

"You can kiss my ass," Ned chuckled. "But yeah, I'm ready. Have you heard anything from Peter yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure we'll know whether or not he makes his decision when we get to the school," she explained.

"I guess you're right."

Andi sighed and grabbed her suitcase from the bed with ease and began making her way down and out of the tower. "Can you and I make an objective to ensure Peter keeps himself out of trouble this weekend? I'm not sure exactly how dangerous of a situation he's trying to get himself into, but he is way too inexperienced at the moment to be dealing with something of this magnitude, especially alone."

"I know," Ned breathed out. "If only one of us had powers like him, then he wouldn't have to be alone in this."

"Yeah," Andi spoke uneasily as she stepped off of the elevator. "If only we did."

"Could you imagine it?"

"Imagine what?"

"The three of us swinging through the crowded streets of New York, fighting crime one day at a time," Ned mused. Andi could practically hear the smile in his tone. Becoming like Peter was something she found Ned often daydreamed about. It was quite hilarious in her opinion.

Andi couldn't help but laugh at her friend, however. "Wouldn't that be a dream? But I'm on my way to your apartment, okay? I'll see you soon, Ned."

"See you soon, Andi."

Andi was bored, as were the remainder of the decathlon students. She stood by Ned, who was looking around at his surroundings in search of Peter. Andi was on her phone, as per usual, scrolling through various social media websites. Part of her was waiting on Peter to show up for the trip to Washington, but the other part of her was thrilled at the mere thought of him staying away from the trip altogether. She had never met someone so prone to life-threatening idiocy, and there was nothing she wouldn't do to keep him from getting himself into trouble as she was sure would happen were he to show up.

"Do you have any food?" Ned asked the blonde.

Andi looked up from her phone with a raised brow. "Did you not pack anything?"

"No," Ned shook his head. "I mean, I did, but I left it at home, and by the time I remembered it, mom had already dropped me off here."

Andi only chuckled and reached into her bag to pull out a tube of Pringles. They were barbecue, which just so happened to be Ned's favorite flavor. This meant she likely would not get them back.

"Whoa!" Ned's eyes glistened with satisfaction. "Thanks, Andi."

"You're welcome, Ned."

As Andi zipped up her bag, she heard Abraham calling out Peter's name. She looked up immediately to see the brown-headed boy running towards the group and she let out a sigh. And here she'd been leaning towards the thrill of him not showing up at all.

Andi grunted and looked at Ned. "I was hoping he wasn't gonna show up today," she spoke quietly.

"Why not?" Ned chuckled. "I figured you of all people would've wanted him here."

With a roll of her eyes, Andi made her way onto the bus, completely ignoring Ned and Peter. She'd completely forgotten she couldn't exactly talk about the real reason why she didn't want Peter present, though she wished nothing more than to do so. Ned and Peter were her best friends, and not telling them everything about herself bothered her tremendously. She was getting to the point where she didn't care what Tony had to say about keeping quiet, and the fear of exposing herself seemed to grow duller. Whatever happened, happened, and she'd deal with the consequences to the best of her abilities.

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