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"Why don't you tell me what you're really doing, Andi?"

Andi rolled her eyes and turned onto what she knew to be Peter's street. She was talking to Tony, who was unnecessarily curious about how she was spending her day outside of school. She wasn't so sure why he was curious all of a sudden, but she figured she'd find out sooner or later.

"I'm not doing anything," she said. "Just a bit of homework is all."

Andi stepped into Peter's apartment complex.

"Then why do I see on my screen that you're walking into Parker's apartment complex with your suit?" Tony questioned skeptically.

Andi stopped walking immediately. Tony was tracking her, which made her a lot angrier than she expected it to. When she first got her powers, she expected Tony to track her, which he did for safety purposes, but now that she was capable of using her powers responsibly and safely, there was no reason for him to still have a tracker inside her suit, regardless of the mission. She could handle herself just fine without any extra from Tony.

"You're tracking me?" Andi's tone was that of disbelief.

"Duh," Tony chuckled. "I've been tracking you since you were fourteen."

Andi growled under her breath and began up the stairs. "I figured by now you would've acquired a bit of trust in me."

"Don't worry, I have."

"Then why are you tracking me?"

"Because Parker is a troublemaker and so are you, so the both of you together could prove to be rather unpredictable," Tony explained to her. "I'm also gonna go out on a limb here and say that the two of you have made up and are now plotting to take care of a situation that is far beyond your level of expertise."

Andi let out a dry laugh and stopped at the top of the stairs. "Beyond my level of expertise or his level of expertise? Listen, Tony, you don't need to worry about me and Peter. I'm doing my job, so why don't you just sit back and relax?"

"It's hard to do so when the two teenagers I've sought to protect are trying to get themselves killed," Tony muttered.

"No we're not," Andi laughed. "We're just doing a bit of homework."

"With your suits?"

"I'm not even wearing mine," she told him. "Some days I pack it just in case."

"Okay, Andi."

"I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Got it."

Andi hung up the phone before continuing down the hallway. She soon approached Peter's apartment door and knocked. Normally, she would walk right in, but she knew May was not home and she did not need to walk in on Peter handling his boy business.

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