Chapter 54- I'm Happy To Swap Places

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" you're not listening to me, Luke doesn't need me.-" Amy went to say but I cut her off getting annoyed with all her bullshit. " if you say that one more time i'm going to slap you untill you see sense. I have one question to ask you. Do you still love him?" I asked her.

" i have work to get back to" Amy said trying to change the subject again and walk away but I grabbed her wrist. "Oh no you don't, I asked you a question and you don't get to walk away from it without an answer girly" I said sternly, getting pissed with the way she was acting.

"Sammy let go of me" Amy whined trying to get her wrist out of my grip. " Just answer my question, if you ever cared about Luke you would answer my question" i said. " of course I cared and still care about him" She replied. I was just about to say she didn't answer my other question when she continued speaking. " and I still love him, of course I do I never stopped" She said. " i don't think I ever will either" She then added. I smiled.

" if what you said is true you would get on a plane with me to go back to Australia" i said, she sighed then  said "..."

Back in Australia:
Hospital, Night Time.

Calum and Ashton were at the hospital as they waited outside in the waiting room, the girls and Michael had gone to get some food. The two boys waited outside while the doctors and nurses saw to Luke. Michael had called Luke's family and they were all on holiday and would try to get back as soon as possible but might take a while to get new flights.

" He might not wake up" Calum said as he sat down on the chair next to Ashton. " hey, don't say that Cal, he'll wake up" Ashton said. " and if he doesn't? He got hit by a fucking car thats bad and  what makes it worse he was intoxicated at the time he was hit that makes the chances of him waking up even worse." Calum added.

Ashton sighed, he knew himself that Luke's chances of waking up from being knocked unconcious was minimal but him being intoxicated makes the odds of him waking up even worse as he much alcohol running through his system.

" i honestly don't get why he did that to himself was he actually hurting that much since Amy left and we didn't realise till it was too late?" Calum asked looking at Ashton.  Ashton sighed," but he said he was fine though" Ashton said shaking his head. " i should've known it was pure bullshit and stopped him before it got out of hand" Calum then added.

"You know I do wonder if Sammy has gotten around to encouraging Amy to come back" Ashton said looking at Calum, " i don't know mate, I honestly don't know. She should come back if she cared and ever loves him but what happened whether she will come back or not I have no idea" Calum said shrugging his shoulders in response. " I mean if you were her, after everything thats happened would you come back?"  Calum asked Ashton. Ashton didn't say anything because he honestly didn't know how to answer the question.

It wasn't long before a nurse came and spoke to both Ashton and Calum knowing they were there for him, the nurse had said that Luke was now comfortable in a room but still unconcious and hooked up to a machine to keep him breathing. The nurse also said  they could go and see him.  Both of them thanked the nurse and headed to the room Luke was in to sit in there with him. Ashton sent the others a quick text to tell them where Luke now was so they wouldnt be confused when they arrived back to the hospital to see him or Calum not there waiting.

It was around twenty minutes later when the others joined Calum and Ashton in Luke's room that was before a nurse said visiting hours was over and sent them all telling them to come back tomorrow. The gang didnt want to leave Luke but because none od them was family they couldn't stay over night so they all headed back to the house to sleep, well try to sleep when all they could think about was Luke not waking up.

24 Hours Later:

Sammy's POV:

I decided not to text everyone that  i was  back in Australia and decided to suprise them all at the hospital, i knew where everyone was because of the group chat and headed towards the room after entering through the main doors.

I reached the room and walked into the others," hey guys" i said, surprising everyone they all smiled and greeted me, Ashton pulled me in for a hug a very tight hug and kissed me which i returned both. " it's great to see you all and there's no change with Luke" i say frowning as I look over to where Luke was laying all hooked up to the machine.

"No not yet, the nurses say to talk to him as recognising as voice might help him to wake uo but it doesn't seem to be making a difference theres been no change" Michael said looking at me. I looked at everyone and nobody was like themselves.

"I know I'm not keen on Amy at the moment but if anybody could wake him by talking to him out of all of us, I think it would be her she's the one with the deepest connection to him and she's not came back" Ashton said frowning.

"I tried my hardest to get her to come-"

"and she didn't come obviously she didn't care enough about Luke to come back"  Ashton then said and i rolled my eyes.

"you can say and think what you like about me but don't you ever say I don't care about Luke because thats the biggest bullshit that's ever came out of your mouth Ashton" I heard Amy say, I didn't even have to look back to make sure it was her because I knew it was as she came back with me from Ibiza.

I watched as the others all turned to the door to see Amy stood there," well well, maybe she does care afterall" Ashton said sarcastically. Amy rolled her eyes and looked at me, I smiled at her before getting everyone out the room so she could spend some time alone with Luke while the rest of us headed to the canteen

Amy's POV:

Fear of losing someone is a feeling I can not begin to describe,  a feeling I don't want to feel again as it's horrible and heartbreaking.

Taking a deep breath I walked from the door and walked over and sat in the chair right next to the bed Luke was laying in attached to the machines. I didn't even know what to say as I was speechless for the very first time; most people normally talk about how they're feeling amongst other things. I had loads of thoughts, feelings running through my head but yet not one would escape my lips just seeing him here laying in a hospital bed attached to a machine keeping him breathing scared me to death. He could die and our last memories were horrible ones and the reason he was even like this was my fault.

I grabbed Luke's hand and held it as I looked at him, " god, this is all my fault I'm so sorry Luke. I'm so sorry." I said silently. " if I could trade places with you right now I happily would because all i feel right now is guilt because you only ended up like this because of me. I never meant to hurt you but I did and in the worst possible way that it ended with you in hospital" i said outloud, my eyes tearing up.

An. Hey guys,

Sorry for the long wait I've been ill for a while and finally better so i could finish my part. Stay tuned for Mary Anne,@smileforhemmings to write next!

Amy, @Jet-Black-5SOS.

Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Sequel To Summertime Sadness) *Collaboration*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz