Chapter 26- Finally Sleeping Beauty Is Awake

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Michael's Point Of View.

It was my turn to sit and watch sammy incase there were any improvements. I was sat here watching her lay in the bed, still. The nurses had been in again to check her and left moments later. "Sammy if you wake up I swear I will buy you so much pizza that you will get sick of eating it" I said to her, not like she was going to respond. "or we can go to maccas like you like doing, you know me talking to you like this is making me very hungry. If you we were awake I know you would be saying something like 'you're always hungry Michael' in your voice of course, I really do miss your annoying voice, we all do. You know you've been asleep for so long now you really need to wake up you lazy shit" I said looking at the door not realising that my cousin eyes had flickered open.

I then heard a quiet, familiar voice that startled me slightly. " You're always talking about food" I turned my head to see Sammy was awake she had taken the oxygen mask off her face, she was smiling at me slightly.

I jumped out of my chair and ran to her side. " You're awake, you're awake I can't believe it. I have missed you so much we all have" I said happily, she laughed a little. I pressed the button on the wall to call in the nurses.

"I've missed you too, where's everyone else?" She asks me at the same time the nurses come in and I have to leave the room so the nurses can give her the once over. Soon as they left I re-entered her room. " me and Ashton are here, Luke's at home. Calum's and Amy are back in the UK, Hailee is at home too" I said to her.

"where's Tristan?" She then asked. "I don't know Sammy he hasn't been here much not like Ashton of course, he's been here nearly more than anyone" I informed her.

"oh where is he now then, Ashton?" she asked me. " He went to get some food" I told her. "alright so what's been happening since I've been here?" She asked me.

The door opened and in walked Ashton carrying food. "oh my god Sammy, You're awake!" Ashton said happily placing the food on the side and walking over to the bed to hug her. Luckily for him she hugged him back. "I've missed you" Ashton said.

*In the UK*

Amy's POV.
I was walking back from the hospital back to the house. Arriving home, I put the key into the door and opened the front door. Taking out the key, I walked in and closed the door behind me. "where have you been?" I heard Calum ask as soon as I walked in.

I turned around to look at him. " I went for a walk after finding out about Luke. I went and saw my nan. I told her the truth about us pretending to be together." I started saying, as we walked into the living room. "I have to tell you something" Calum said as we sat down. "tell me what?" I ask him, he hands me my phone. "Luke phoned you when you left the house" He informed me. "oh that's a first" I say placing the phone back onto the table.

"aren't you going to phone him back?" He asked. "why so I can hear him lie about how he didn't say he was still in love with Sammy, no thanks" I say sarcastically, standing up and headed to the kitchen to get a drink and of course Calum had to follow.

"why won't you ring him back Amy?" He asked. "because I don't want to talk to him after what he said." "well he could explain himself" "I don't need him to explain to me. I know I'm always going to be second to Sammy when it comes to Luke it's obvious Calum. I'm never going to be her. So no I don't want to talk to him to hear his excuses and bullshit" I said harshly while opening a can of Dr Pepper. "I've heard enough bullshit to last me a last time, Cal. Luke just bullshits with me" I said.

"he loves you"

"not as much as he clearly loves Sammy though. If the feelings keep coming back Calum it means something. Alright, I'm not stupid. " I say walking out of the kitchen and back to the living room to my phone ringing. I picked it up and noticed it was the hospital phoning. I answered is quickly.

"hello" I said.

"Hello amy, this is your nans doctor I was just wondering if you can come to the hospital please it's rather important" He said.

"yes of course, I'm coming" I said and he hanged up after saying goodbye. I grabbed my car keys. "Calum I'm going to the hospital as I'm needed there" I yelled to him. I didn't wait for him to answer as I was out the door and headed to my car, I unlocked it and got in, closing the car door. Putting on my seatbelt, key in the ignition I started the car and started driving to the hospital as fast I can sticking to the driving speed limits of course to find out what the doctor wanted to tell me about my nan.

Third Person's Pov.

Yn arrived at hospital and headed towards her nans hospital room. She walked in to see her mother, and the doctor. Her mother was in tears. "what's going on mum? " amy asked but she tilted her head and saw her nan lying still on the bed. Her mouth went dry, her eyes started to tear up. "nan" She called out. "she's dead" Amy said out loud. She looked at her mum. "when? When did she pass?"

"An hour ago" her mother said. It felt like the whole world had stopped in front of her. She was dealing with so much now, her nan died she only wanted to be comforted by Luke but he was too busy loving sammy.

That night Amy was already dealing with losing her nan and then she had a phone call off Luke. Sighing she answered the phone anyway.

Phone Conversation:
( L: Luke A: Amy )

A: what do you want Luke?

L: well hey to you to babe.

A: don't call me babe.

L: we need to talk.

A: of course we do, I mean after what Ashton sent me yes I do think we need to talk.

L: look what he said is a load of bullshit.

A: So you didn't say it?

L: no. I didn't. It's just Ashton playing around

A: So you didn't say you were in love with Sammy?

L; no I love you.

A: funny that as Calum also told me that you said when you visited Sammy in the hospital that it was like you were being tested. Don't lie to me Luke, I don't need the bullshit right now Luke. Just tell me the truth.

L: I am. I'm not lying.

A: whatever Luke, I'm done with your bullshit. I'm not going to listen to you repeatedly lie to me over and over again. I'm done. I'm done with this relationship. I can't deal with this anymore not now. I'm sorry Luke, we're over.

Amy said then hanged up before Luke said anything else, she didn't want to listen to his excuses. She had enough of him lying to her. She was better off without him or so she thought.

An: Hey Guys its Amy @imaginethosevamps, I'm here to tell you guys Mary Anne couldn't able update due to Uni work and Wattpad doesn't work on her phone for some odd reason so I offered to write for her. So enjoy this part :) 

Anyways keep an eye out for her part @smileforhemmings 

Peace out 

Amy Imaginethosevamps

Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Sequel To Summertime Sadness) *Collaboration*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora