Chapter 31- Voicemail

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Luke's POV
"Oh I've heard about you, you must be Luke. Amy's room mate" Shawn said offering out his hand to me to shake. I look at Amy who's smirking at me then winked. I look down to this asshole hand then look up to make an eye contact with him. I fake smiled "Hey man, nice to meet you. I am Amy's "roommate". I shook his hand little tight.

Shawn chuckled taking his hand off, he turns to that her name?

Shawn walk towards her "Chloe, what you doing here?" He asked the girl next to me. She looks up "Shawn! Bestie! What you doing here too?!" She squealed. Amy points at them "You two know each other?" She asks. They both nodded, Amy and I nods too.

Shawn slings his arms over Chloe "Clo and I are best friends since we were little" he smiles and she nods. Amy and I nodded "Ah thats cool. Anyways im gonna head to bed. You three can have fun" I said to them walking away. Chloe spoke up "Youre going to bed at 3am?" She asks like its early af. Shawn nods "Yeah man, its still early we can chill then sleep at 8am bro" he says and Chloe smiles nodding.

I look at Amy whos smirking at me, i groan "Fine what are we gonna do?" I asks as i sit down on the floor. They cheered, Amy continued to smirk at me and I rolled my eyes.

*Next Morning- Sammy's Room*
Sammy POV
I cuddle up against the human in front me. I dont know who it is but he smells nice as fuck. The person returns the hug by turning around, it was Michael. My eyes widens, I unwrap my arms off him, look down and Im only in my underwear and bra then scream.

Michael's shots up looking at me "Did we have se-" I stood up and chuck the pillow at him "Fuck no! I hope we didnt! No no no!" I freak out. Michael bit his lip "I doubt we did Sammy. Cause im wearing the same ripped jeans from last wheres my shirt" he stood up and point to his shirt when he saw it "Found it" he smiles.

Hes eyes widens "Wait...shit!" He freaks out. I look at him "I will be back" I said entering my bathroom. I checked the bin and theres nothing ive been looking for, i sigh in relief. I walk back and Michael looks at me "So did we?" He asks worried. I shook my head, I walk towards him and I stepped on something. I look down and my eyes widen then screamed. There's a used condom on the floor..... fuck me dead...

Michael rush towards me "Shit! Im sorry Sammy, i swear i didnt mean this to happen!" He says freaking out. I burst into tears and Michael hugs me "Im sorry baby cuz, don't worry we will can just forget this happened" he says and I nodded "Youre right dork" i smirked. He laughs "Im always right whore" he winks. I cringe "Dont do that!" I said grabbing my clothes and enter the bathroom in disgust looking at Michael, he laughs "My bad! Nothing happened cuz i promise" he shouts. I close the door rolling my eyes.

Fuck me dead....this is not true!

*Couple Hours Later- Living room*
Michael and I been avoiding each other. Ashton slings his arm around my shoulder "You alright Sammy?" He asks, I nod "Im good thanks" I kiss his cheek and he blushes. Amy, Calum and Hailee laughs at him.

Calum spoke up "Whipped" he teases  Ashton, he shrugs his shoulder "I don't mind" he says to Calum. The girls aww'ed and I blush smiling. The girls winks at me, I blush even more. Michael enters the living room placing all the food and drinks he could carry. He sits next to Shawn who smiled at him, Chloe smiles at him. I like these people, they are so nice.

Amy spoke up "Michael and Sammy, whats up?" She asks suspicious. The others nods "what happened between you two?" she adds. Michael and I just look at each other then look at Amy "Nothing, we just had a fight. Right dork?" I said and he nods. Amy and others werent convinced, Shawn and Chloe excuses themselve so they can hang out and heads to the backyard.

Amy spoke again "No seriously what happened?" She asks. I sigh and Michael shakes his head at me "Dont tell them, Sammy" he says. I ignored him "They wont stop bugging us" i said to him. Michael shuts up, I sigh "Guys..Michael and I slept together" i said looking down.

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