red and blue make me and you

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-Dan: 18 - Phil:17 - Summary: Phil gets paint on the floor and himself in art class, and Dan helps him clean up ;) some smut and cursing - Around 1500 words

Dans POV

"Daniel Howell!" Mrs. Reid my art teacher yelled, "maybe if that paintbrush was put to work, you might have a chance of not having to stay into summer to finish that project!"

"Sorry Miss," I replied quietly while some small laughter filled the blank space of the room. The only reason my damn paintings were never completed was that I was always distracted by him. Phil Lester. He was a year younger than me but just the same amount of shyness. He captivated me ever since he sat three rows in front of me on the first day of classes. His short black hair looked endless, his ocean blue eyes made me melt every time I saw them, and his entire complexion was flawless. I can spend hours just watching him move, the way his hands glide over his art, the way his jaw moves side to side while thinking creatively. 

People were cleaning up in a hurry since it was the last class of the day, but because of that messes were made. In slow motion, I saw a jock ram himself into Phil's thinner body trying to get to the door to see his husky girlfriend. The blue paint cup that Phil was holding in his left hand fell on his lap and the entire floor, while the red cup in his right splattered on his top half. Everybody laughed until the bell rang, I stood silently. 

"Phillip Lester you clean that up before you go!" Mrs. Reid yelled than murmured about not getting paid enough. Phil looked crestfallen, and I couldn't bear the sight of such a sad beautiful creature, so I timidly walked over. 

"Hey, I can help you, if you want. I walk home anyway so I can stay after." I asked quietly holding my hand behind my back, a nervous tik. 

"You-you don't have to," he replied obviously embarrassed. 

I smiled at him, "Seriously, I will." I bent down to put up the blue cup and walked to the sink to get a soaked up sponge. 

As I began wiping up the floor I heard, "Th-thank you."Phil soon returned with two more sponges.

"So your names Phil? I'm Dan." I said trying to start a conversation with the person I have been non-stop thinking about for a year. 

"Y-yeah, I haven't seen you in any of my classes, what grade are you in?" he asked, still shy. 

"12th, and this is a conjoined class so I'm guessing your 11th?" 

"Yeah." with his response I just nodded my head, "you know, even though you're kinda slow at painting I think they're wonderful."

This grabbed my attention, "Really? If anyone should be complimenting someone it should be me to you. You artworks should be hung in a museum! The one of the lion looks so realistic, with his main and the Savana in the background."

"Oh, you know them all by heart then? I didn't know I had a stalker." he laughed, slightly flushed by the detailed compliment.

"I just tend to focus on the beautiful things in life," I said but realized I went a little too far with that one. I expected him to be a little taken aback but instead, he smiled warmly. 

"I guess I do too," he said in a soft voice while he slowly looked me up and down, looking at my lips the longest before gazing back into my eyes. 

We continued to converse as the blue paint got smaller and smaller until, "All clean." Phil took his hands to dry them, handing me a towel as well. 

"Actually," I pointed to his clothes which were still drenched in paint, "I can help you with that if you would like that too."

"Sure," his breathing hitched and he continued to stare into my eyes. 

We reached the closest bathroom, which only consisted the two of us. I used my hand to wipe a spot of red paint on his cheek with the pad of my thumb but made it streak which it caused tension in the room. I then noticed another spot on his lips, I lent forward shaking and kissed him softly. When I pulled forward I noticed that his paint got a little smeared and felt the coldness of it on my lips. 

"Can I kiss you back?" Phil asked. 

"Of course," I answered. And with that Phil kissed my lips with more intensity then I had and went to kiss my neck giving me a dark hickey. Paint on his cheek smeared onto mine. 

"Do you mind getting a little dirty?" Phil asked with a snicker. 

"Not at all," I said and to make it myself even more sure I put my face into his chest so that almost my entire face was red when I came back up he smirked. We then started kissing passionately, making our faces look bloody. I slid my hands down his waist and onto his hips, where the blue paint was then dragged it up to where his nipples layed and rubbed my hands. He moaned at the sensation so I did it once more making his chest an eggplant color. He pressed his body against mine which made my chest purple too.

He added paint to his hands that were supplied from his legs and rubbed it on my back, I shuddered from the coldness of it but it soon warmed up as Phil worked for his hands through me.

I crouched down on my knees, "Can I..." I started. 

"Yes please." Phil persisted.   

I unbuckled his belt messily making it redder than brown and threw it off to the side to which it lay on the floor. His pants and boxers were pulled down no farther than his thigh, which was fine by me. I wasn't surprised to see his already hard, but I was surprised by the size. Fuck he was big, who knew the quiet boy was keeping a huge secret? But I was overly pleased, I was a bit of a cock slut. 

I began to lick the tip which made Phil moan quietly, we were still in a school you know? To tease him I never went farther than the head, and to fake him out when he thought I was going in for the kill I came back up to lick his slit. 

"Dan, come on! Fucking suck me already!" Phil whined. 

In response I hummed which sent vibrations up to Phil who jerked into my mouth. I started to go further and further down his shaft until the entire length hit the back of my throat. I went back a little and grabbed his hips and signaled him to fuck my mouth. 

"Tap me on the hip if you want me to stop," Phil said in which to reply I nodded softly. Then he slowly started to thrust into my mouth. My jaw hurt already, but it never felt better. As he went faster and faster I felt tears fall down, but I didn't mind, I fucking enjoyed every second of it. 

After a couple more pumps Phil alerted me, "I-I'm so close."

I soon felt his hot cum shoot out from his dick, I let it go down my throat and swallowed every bit of it. I brought my head up and quickly put his dick away back into his pants and we went back to making out. Hard. 

My hands traveled back down to his thighs and his went to mine, I felt him give me a pinch on the inner part which made me gasp. 

I somehow felt, even more, paint get on my face, all over my body, and every crevice that Phil could reach. I then felt Phil's hand snake to my dick through my layer of clothing, and he started to palm me through my jeans. I moaned in pleasure into his mouth for a few minutes, until I suddenly felt my own dick spurt out pleasure through my pants, which was pressed against Phil. 

We both looked down, "Oops?" Phil said which made us both laugh. 

"I guess I'll home fun walking home. I just hope my neighbor doesn't see me... she's a nun." 

"Oh my god, Dan!" Phil laughed at my comment. My hands were wrapped around Phil's head and his my waist, but we didn't let go just yet. I looked sideways to see into the school bathroom mirrors to see the damage, and boy did we look like a hot mess. Both of us were covered head to toe in purple paint, with the same blue and red spotting just here and there. Let's not forget to mention the couple of red and blue handprints that ran across our body's. 

"Your lips look the jokers," Phil remarked snickering. 

"Same to you," I smiled back, "can we see each other again sometime?"

"Of course. I need to repay you."

"For what?" my eyebrows creased in question. 

"You gave me a blowjob, I need to give you one back," he said simply with a grim. 

"I'd like that." 

Phan Oneshots ❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora