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Tré's POV

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Tré's POV

The next week Mike finally showed up. He came to my house without letting us know, but I knew that he would visit me and Billie right after he came to US. When I heard the doorbell, it was clear.

„Heya, Pritchard! What a surprise!" I hugged him when I opened the door. He seemed so happy and relaxed. I could see a little tan on his skin. I felt like I haven't seen him for ages. All of us hung out a lot, even in our free time, so I was happy, he was finally back.

„Hello! I love you guys, but that was a paradise, so I would go back there immediately." He laughed.

„I'm happy to hear that," I smiled, „here ... a lot of things happened."

„What happened?" He asked worrying.

Then Billie showed up behind my back. I lightly shook my head to Billie's direction and whisper his name. Mike gave me a surprised look.

„Hey, how was your holiday?" Billie hugged Mike to welcome him. I was really glad, that he was here. Maybe he could help me to comfort Billie. I think that Billie needs to see that people love him, especially the closest ones. He was in troubled times.

I made some coffee and tea and joined guys sitting in the living room. We were talking a lot about Mike's journey and experiences. He really had fun which was great, he was full of energy. After we slowly moved our conversation to the Billie's divorce. Mike was obviously shocked but he expressed a lot of support to Billie. Mike promised that he's gonna be on trial with Billie, I'll be there too. I knew that it was stressful for Billie but .. I also felt uncomfortable. I liked Adrienne and I thought that all of us were used to her. It's gonna be really wierd to be „against" her. But yeah, we had to stay calm. For Billie. For everything.

The week was really terrible. We had to visit a lawyer many times and consult the details. Billie's physical health got better – the wounds and bruises almost disappeared, so he reduced the pills even more – he took one a week so he was almost alright. But his mental health wasn't good at all. The sooner the trial was, the more nervous and sad Billie was. He definitely made a progress since the day I brought him to my house beaten and drunk but he still needed time.

The night before the trial all three of us weren't sleep whole night. Billie was walking from one corner to the other in the bedroom. I was sitting in the bed and Mike on the floor. We were talking a lot. The night seemed endless. It had three periods which mixed up many times. Once Billie cried and freaked out and begged us to kill him. Then he got depressed and wordlessly lay on the bed next to me. After he told us that he didn't give a damn about it and that it's gonna be alright. And this whole process repeated over and over again till the morning. It was exhausting for all of us and I hoped it's gonna be over soon.

I'll never forget the moment when Billie saw Adrienne standing with her friends in front of the bloody building. It was the first time he saw her since he left their house. He got pale and each drop of water in his body filled his eyes. He stuck his wet eyes to the hers. She seemed uncomfortable but calmer than Billie. I waved at her gently and stood up in front of Billie to prevent watching her again. Mike left us for a while and went to Adrienne. I patted him.

„Be strong, Bill. Don't worry, it's gonna be quick. Both of you are reasonable people, there wouldn't be any problem, trust me."

Billie nodded.

„Hey," I held his shoulders and looked into his eyes, „do you remember when your first son was born?"

Billie nodded again.

„You were scared as hell, but you stayed calm and strong. For her. For Joseph's sake. For the whole family. You need to do it again. Now. Especially for yourself. You'll be fine. I promise."

Billie rubbed his eyes and took a deep breathe.

„Good." I praised him.

„Thank you." He said. Now he looked so much firmer but I knew that he was screaming inside.

Mike went back to us. He smiled – I admired that – he could always bring the better mood when something was wrong.

„Adrienne told me that she also wanted it to be quick and over, so don't worry." He stroke Billie.

„Are you prepared?" I asked when I saw Adrienne entering the court.

Billie didn't say anything and just went straight to the door. Mike and I looked at each other and followed him.

The trial was really fast. Both Billie and Adrienne spoke only a little when they had to. The lawyers weren't arguing at all and everything went good according to all the suggestions which were discussed earlier. I held Billie's hand the whole time when we were sitting. He was squeezing it painfully but I was here for him. Like I always was.

All of us finally left the building. I wanted to leave right after but Adrienne stopped us.

„Thank you for taking it so easy." She looked at Billie.

„Sure." He flitted his eyes, looked at Adrienne and then to the ground.

„So... goodbye," she said, „see you at work." She didn't look at him again and left to the group of her friends. It was really weird. 

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