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Tré's POV

I fell asleep on the couch during watching TV. The sound of my phone woke me up. It was a call from Mike. What did he want? Did he get bored so fast on his vacation? I answered.

„Hello you killjoy! Why aren't you having fun with family?"

„Hey, Frankenstein," he laughed, „I'm having pretty good time, but I need your help."

„Sure, what's it?" Wierd.

„BJ. He's just called me now. He seemed to be very drunk. He told me that he was alone and y'know that he needs a nanny especially after the rehab. May you take care of it? Please."

„Of course, where is he?" I was worried. After the rehab Billie drank only in group of people, mostly including us. We knew when he needed to be stopped and everything was cool. But he shouldn't be drinking alone. That's totally not good.

„He doesn't know. But I'm sure you're gonna find him."

„Right. Enjoy your holiday by the way." I said.

„Thank you. Take care." He hung up.

Fine. This is not gonna be easy. I put some clothes on, grabbed my keys and went to the car.
Alright. Where could he be? He's drunk and alone. So it's definitely not a party. Maybe he's at home, but there should be also Adrienne and kids. Shit. I have no clue.
I had no more time, so I decided to go to his house. I pulled over and went to the door. Everything seemed to be normal, but the house was wierdly quiet. I pushed the bell. After a while Adrienne showed up.

„Hi Frank, what do you need?" She looked exhausted. Her hair was messy and the bags under her eyes were notable.

„Ehm, are you okay?" I asked at first.

„I don't want to talk about that. Tell me, why are you here?" She rubbed her forehead not looking at me.

„Is Billie at home?" I went straight to the problem.

„No." She held the door and wanted to shut it.

„Wait, where is he?"

„I don't know. Is..," she sighed, „is he alright?" There was a guilt in her look.

„He's drunk." I was searching for my phone to call him.

„It's enough to hear. I don't need to know more, bye." She rolled her eyes and closed the door.

There was clearly something wrong. I found my phone and I called Billie.

„What?" He answered.

„Hey Billie, where are you?"

„In the park." He sniffed. It was obvious that he was crying. I absolutely knew where he was. It's probably only a piece of information, but I knew that he always went to this place, when he was sad. And he sounded pretty sad.

„May I join you?"

„Sure." He coughed.

„I'm on my way." And with that I hung up. 

Brokenhearted (~Trillie fanfiction) | GREEN DAY | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now