Chapter 19: Contract Development

Start from the beginning

"Exactly. Now, what do you want me to help you with? Seek fame? Help your newspaper become the most well known in all of London?" I confirm.

"No, I don't want that. . . I want. . . I want you to help me find the killer responsible for these strange deaths. There's been two other women killed in Whitechapel and I think there's a connection between them. But, nobody thinks that. Could you help me with that? Help me prove that there is a connection and find out who is responsible." The young man responds with a bit of light on his brown eyes.

This is why he's special. He doesn't want to be famous or rich. He simply wants the truth and that is someone I'm willing to for a contract with. I thought proudly to myself and nod my head in understanding before speaking, "Certainly. Where would you like me to brand you?"

"Is there a specific location for that?" He asks and tilts his head to the side.

"Not exactly. I can mark you in any place you want my pentagram to be or I could choose for you. Either way, we'll both have means of communicating with each other and the power of your commands will flow to me exactly the same as in any other part of your body." I explain calmly.

"I see. . . In that case, I want the mark on my arm." He replies before he takes off his blazer and rolls up his right shirt sleeve over the back of his elbow. He points to the spot just above the back of the elbow and right on his bicep where I couldn't help but notice that it's slight defined.

"Right there then? Very well, but it will hurt. Do you have any other requests to add to the contract before I officiate the contract? Once I brand you, the contract is formed and will remain as so until both our ends of it are completed." I state and walk to his side, placing my right hand on his bicep. He definitely has great arms. . . However, I better look inside his soul for his name. . .

"Save me from dangerous situations like you did awhile ago." He adds at the same time I feel my left eye dilating and reading the name of the human floating above his heart.

"Of course, anything else?" I question and turn my attention back to him. Nodding his head, he includes me being able to arrive whenever he calls for me immediately which I would've done without it being as part of the contract.

From there, I recite the contract's vow that only I could deliver since it is my contract and not anyone's else, "I, Garrick Gastrell, solemnly swear to the best of my capabilities to ensure you, Galvin Cassian Rickman, find out who is the murderer responsible for the deaths of the women who have died and will die in the future. I will make sure that during your search, I'll save you from any sort of dangerous situation you find yourself in along with my immediate response to your call. In exchange, I ask to use your skills as a journalist for the duration of your search. Do you agree to these terms?"

"I agree to them." Galvin states confidently before he releases a short grunt in pain.

The pentagram is starting to burn into his skin and forming its' design while doing so. The pain doesn't last long as my hand loses the warmth of branding my mark and remove my hand from his arm where I clearly see my first pentagram on my contractor. Speaking of him, he stares at his new mark for a moment before looking up at me and asking, "How did you know my name?"

"I read your soul. It showed me your name," I briefly explain with a shrug.

"Demons can do that?" Galvin ponders, his tone laced with curiosity.

I find it incredibly interesting how curious this human being is about my background as a demon. Granted, he never encountered a demon before me, but I was sure he heard something about my kind. The whole bit of contracts for souls at the least should've been known. They did have a book that talked about the first demon, didn't they?

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