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lunch time comes around and the day has been going quite okay. we've met our teachers.

carrie is our history and geography teacher. she's quite nice.

becky is our english teacher and she's probably my favorite teacher.

anna is our languages teacher. she's alright.

there's mia, our home room teacher. she's alright but she's very stubborn.

and lastly there's thomas, our maths teacher. everyone is pretty sure he's a pedophile slash rapist. let's all just stay away from him.

i follow june and some other girls we met, maria, keegan, sarah and shauna. we sit down close to the boys in our year. it's quite funny actually; how everything is divided by gender.

that is until noah walks over to june and i.

"are you the one who said i'm, and i quote, pretty fit?" he asks me. i am frozen on the spot. all i can do is shake my head.

"hah! she is noah, she is," june laughs, jumping up and down. i give her a glare. all noah does is nod, smirk and walk back to his friends.

"what the fuck?" i hiss at june.

"just being a matchmaker, sweetie," she laughs. i have to physically restrain myself from punching her.

"you don't want to go out with him," keegan says, crossing her arms. i give her a look, and she gets the hint. "we went to primary school together, serious player. went out with four of my friends last year," she shakes her head.

"we're teenagers, keegan, none of this matters. if we were older and actually having a serious relationship, yeah, if he went out with four different people in a year, i'd be worried. but it's not like we're going to get married!" i say, a little annoyed.

keegan is nice enough. but very matter-of-fact and a serious smart ass. but what she says next, is what really shocks me.

"if you do go out with him, i'll find a way to break you up," she whispers. it is then and there that i make two conclusions. one, i don't like keegan. and two, i NEED to go out with noah.


i want to get this book but i don't to ask my mom to buy it for me because it's about a suicide pact what do i do

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