Jungkook stands properly and greets her with the exact greeting like hers. He keeps his phone in his pocket, also shoving his other free hand inside the other pocket and pulls out again before reaching out her hand, putting a tube of flavored mentos in her palm.

The girl lifts her head with confusion written all over her face, "What's this for?" she asks in order to feed her curiosity and confusion. "A small payback for sharing your lunch with me yesterday" he answers with a small smile plasters on his face. Mi-so's confusion still hasn't go away, "But I only shared a half of it and you're giving me a full tube of mentos".

"Then what? Do you expect me to give it after I eat half of them?" he raises his eyebrows, shifting his position to face her.

She shakes her head and looks straight, not bothering to lock her eyes with his, "I was just asking. Anyways, thank you"

"You're welcome" he says, leaning his back against the pole again and continues to wait for their bus to come.


"Ugh, I know P.E class isn't the best way to start my morning". Jaehyun had been complaining about how the first class had to be P.E, which his least favourite since it was scheduled on the first period.

Jungkook scoffs as he shakes his head while pulling up the zipper of his outfit, "I think the other way round. P.E on the first period is actually a good idea" he says and starts to walk with Jaehyun beside him. "That's for you" Jaehyun shots back "It's a big no for me". The two friends continue their conversation while heading straight to the field. While they're on their way, they spot Mi-so is standing in front of her locker, looks like she's rummaging through it.

Jaehyun nudges Jungkook's side and earns his attention right away. "What's with her?" Jaehyun asks. Jungkook looks at where his friend is looking at, then he furrows "I have no idea either".

"Hey Im Jaehyun!"

Both of them turned to where the loud sound came, there stood their class president. "What is it?" Jaehyun replies. "Mr Bang wants to see you" the class president says "He said its an emergency". Jaehyun turns his head to look at Jungkook "I guess I have to leave you". "Sure, meet you in class then" his friend pats his back.

After Jaehyun is no longer in Jungkook's sight, the guy turns his heels again to his behind, still, Mi-so is there standing in front of her locker but this time, she has her head inside while her both hands are hanging low in the air.

"Yah Jang Mi-so" Jungkook approaches her and holds onto the locker's door, peeking inside "What are you doing here?"

The aforementioned girl pulls out her head with a sad expression, immediately making the guy in front to back off, "Did something happened?" Jungkook asks, not knowing why he's stammering.

"I think I lost my book" she cries out "I haven't finish it yet". Her lips is curving but it's upside down, obviously it's a sad face.

"Or you must misplaced it?"


"Did you search for it at your house"

"I already did"

He hums "What is the book again? Was it the Haruki Murakami one?"

"Sadly yes" she answers, heaving a sigh, she then continues "It's expensive okay and there's not much of copies out there. That was the last copy when I bought it"

Jungkook can only laugh as he can't relate how to feel. He had never feel so sad before when losing his book since books aren't his toys. "Well sorry" he shrugs "I can't help you with that"

She closes her lips as her dead eyes give him a strong glare, "Then, why did you even bother to ask?"

"I don't know" he says while running his fingers through his hair "To fill out my boredom I guess"

Mi-so clicks her tongue and ties her hair into a ponytail "I know I shouldn't have talk to you about this" she complains and walk away from him, towards the field.

Jungkook chuckles and runs to her to catch up "Hey wait up!"



just to make it clear that this story will be simple and straightforward, in other words, most of the chapters are only about Jungkook and Mi-so.

there will be no heavy drama because I've had enough with mnet's drama. I don't want to mess up my mind again so yeah 


and oh, tea was unexpectedly good yesterday

and oh, tea was unexpectedly good yesterday

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