Chapter 14: Friendless

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No! It won't come to that! I know he will be confused at first, but he'll get over it and we can be friends. Maybe even more if he'll allow me. . . I thought to myself, almost panicking at the idea of Alexandru asking that I disappear from his life.

"You finally understand. . . We forgive you then, Garrick. Right, love?" Mother responds in relief as she tilts her head to face my father who remained silent all this time.

His fury that he restrained earlier slowly diminishes as releases a tired sigh. He looks down at my mother and gives her a curt nod. "Yes, but he will be punished for sneaking away without either Damian's or our consent and almost putting himself in danger. . . Let's head out to hunt and talk about this in private."

"Yes, love. Garrick, stay inside and try not to wander." Mother warns and follows after my father.

Heaving a sigh, I position myself to head up to my room before Damian's voice speaks up. "A thanks would've sufficed, you know. I did save your ass just now."

"Only for your own benefit. Why didn't you tell them about Alexandru? I know you were dying to tell them, so why didn't you?" I question coldly, turning to face him. There has to be something that he wants because Damian isn't the sort of person that will do anything from the goodness of his heart. If there's any left.

"Because it wasn't my place to tell. It's yours," Damian states nonchalantly with a shrug and walks towards the armchair. He still has his gaze to the floor, avoiding all eye contact with me, and I know he's hiding something.

"What did you do?" I ask cautiously, my eyes narrowing into a glare.

"Nothing! I didn't do anything!" Damian exclaims as he looks up at me with wide eyes.

"What the bloody hell did you do?!" I snap, rushing over to him where I give him the deadliest glare I could muster.

"I didn't do anything. . . I swear, I didn't-" Damian mutters before cutting him off.

"Stop lying to me! I know you did something because you didn't look smug about me getting in trouble like you always do! Tell me right now what you did or so help me, I'm going to beat the hell out of you!" I threaten, growing annoyed with his stalling.

Instead of answering, Damian's hazel green eyes hardening into a sneer and frowns before my body flies away from him. My back hits a wall and a few trees until I finally landed on the ground. Groaning softly, I tilt my head up to find Damian kneeling in front of me with a furious expression on his face. Why the bloody hell is he so mad?!

"What was that for?!" I snarl as I try to get up only to be pushed down.

"For thinking that I was lying to you! Stay down and listen to me for once in your life!" Damian shouts in a hostile manner. As if he's finally fed up with me.

Why wouldn't he? I've done nothing but fight him in just about every single lesson he tried to teach me in becoming a proper demon. For to be proper in anything is under one's own interpretation. Damian's idea of being a proper demon is not the same as mine and I rather be ridiculed for acting as such than to be disgusted with myself for pleasing my parents.

"And why would I listen to you?! All you've done for me was attempt to change my mind about consuming souls when you know damn well that I won't! I'm sick and tired of listening to you always criticizing me how I want to live my life!" I yell sharply.

"This isn't about your way of existing! It's about-" Damian retaliates before I interrupt.

"Of course it's about my way of living! That's all you ever talked about and your sole reason for being here! My parents begged you to teach me self defense and how to be a proper demon! Well, I've surpassed you in self defense. But, I'm not changing myself for your sake or anyone else's! No matter how much my parents pleaded to your feet!" I interject, anger quelling up inside me.

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