How they ask you out

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(After you guys have been hanging out and talking for a while)
Asked you on one of your weekly movie nights.

Zane- when he came for cake.

He asked you to join him at the park. (You guys live on the same block) and then had a picnic planned.

Aphmau set it up.

You were hanging at his place just talking. He then brought up dating. Kacey then asked you if you wanted to go out. You, no duh, said yes.

Garroth did it!

Came into your room and asked. He kissed your cheek and then left for work.

He was so cute and set up a scavenger hunt that led you to his room to ask you.

Asked you when you were in Love Live Paradise!

Garroth would constantly say you guys should go out. Then Travis finally asked you.

She invited you over for the New Years party and asked you at midnight. Ending with a kiss (>人<)

You were cuddling in her room watching 'Once' when she asked you to be her girlfriend.

She made a shrine for you two then brought you down with your eyes closed. When you opened then she stood there smiling. One of the pics said 'girlfriend?' You nodded the hugged her.

You guys were laying in bed when she asked.

Kissed you then said "wanna go out with me? Please?" You said yes and kissed again

She magically put both of you into pretty dresses and said while hugging you "how about we go on a date. We are dressed for it anyway"

Amber( made Mystreet)
You two were in her room and she then asked you out of the blue.

Cadenza made a quilt with both your favorite things in it and in the middle it said "date?" You hugged her and said yes.

She's Sasha she just asked you.

Izzy (me!)
That night she set up a pretty dinner at her house and didn't tell you. All she said was wear somethings pretty and come over at 6. You were supper surprised. You gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down.
(Sadly I would have the courage to do any of the things on here.....I would like it done for me. I need a boyfriend/ girlfriend....)
GoodBye for now :3

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