How You Meet

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(All will be Mystreet for whole book)

Vlyad-you were one of Kawaii-chan's friends and you were going to her house. You didn't see her when you opened the door so you went to the basement. She always was at her shipping shrine so you went there. But when you got tot the basement you were met by a different person. "Ummm. Who are you, and why are you in my friends basement?" I ask the man. "Oh! I'm Aph's friend and I'm staying here for a while" he says back. "Well then, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you" I say stretching out my hand. "Vlyad" he then responds with a smile.

You worked at a local cake shop that had just opened up. Sadly business was slow and I hadn't seen many people. I had many people come in, but they were very boring. A male with black hair and sharp blue eyes came in. 'The first boy all day' I think to myself. "Hello how may I help you today sir" I say with a smile. "Can I have a dozen cupcakes" he says. "For you or are you sharing?" I say jokingly. "Well I will say I'm sharing but they are all going to be mine" he says probably smiling under his mask. "Okay then. "Names y/n. And you?" I say getting a box for the cakes. "Zane" he says still laughing at my joke. "Here's your cakes. That will be $12.50 please" I say being professional again. "Thank you Zane. Come back soon" I say waving. "I sure will" he says while walking. 'Hope he sees my number inside that box' I say to myself while dusting off my hands.

You were best friend since high school.

Aphmau was your sister and you wanted to surprise her that you were moving to her block. You finished unpacking and went to her address. She opened the door and smiled wide. "Y/n?!! Great to see you! Why are you here?" She said hugging me. "I moved in down the street!" I say in excitement. A tall black hairs man comes up behind her. I notice he didn't have a shirt on and rolled my eyes. "So your the Aaron that my lil sis has been talking about ever since high school?" I say smirking. "Yeah. And you are?" He said. "Y/n. Aphmau's older sister. Nice to finally meet you" I say shaking his hand. "See you round I guess" I say walking back home.

So you guys have bee online friends since high school and are besties

You are a Ro'meave daughter. The only girl. You always got to be with your brothers. Garroth was your favorite. He always hung out with Laurence. Then Laurence and you became friends.

You were online friends with him and met in person in high school. Now live with the Shadow Knights in their house.

Same as Gene's.

You had been friends with Travis since elementary school and you haven't seen him in a while. So you were invited over to his house for a couple nights and to meet his room mates. "Travis!" I say when he opened the door. I jump into a hug with him as 3 other guys walk up. "Is this your girlfriend?" The bluenette said. "Did you finally move on from Katelyn?" The blonde said. "Who is this?" A brunette said. "No! This is my child hood friend that is staying with us. "Well that explains that bag" brunette said. "Okay y/n. This is Garroth with the blonde hair. Laurence is the one in stripes and-" he was then interrupted by the blue. "I'm Dante. But you can call me your boyfriend" he said winking at me. "And I'm not interested. Pleased to meet you" I say with a smirk. Travis and I walk downstairs to his room. But as I pass Dante winked.

Your bestie was Garroth and you needed to drop off some feathers. I knock on his door and it opens. "Garroth you need to stop sending feathers to my place" I say not looking at the person at the door. I walk inside and drop the boxes my his door. I then look behind me and there is a while hairs boy. "'re not Garroth..." I say embarrassed. "No he's not here but I am" he says flirtatiously. "And I'm supposed to drop off feathers" I say backing up. "Well I'm Travis. Who might you be~" he said "I'm out of your league. Nice to meet you" I say(get it? I did it again) with a smirk. "No actually. What's your name?" he says "it's y/n" I say waking out the door.

Online friends in high school

Kacey's bestie. You guys met when you went to her house.

You had just started working at the maid cafe. You were a werewolf however. You were set with a guide to for low around all day for practice. But you had to get dressed first. You got a f/c dress. You got changed then went to meet your guide. You saw a cute pink haired meifwa. She smiled and said "I'm Kawaii-chan and Kawaii-chan will be your guide for today y/n-senpai!" I smile and follow her.

She was your math tutor in highs hook you guys then became great friends.

You guys were collage dorm mates.
You were trying to find a job. There were not many opportunities for a which. But you found the place. You walked in and there was a orange haired female there. "Hello I am y/n and I was looking for a job here" you say. She smiled and said I was hired after a short interview. 'She seems nice' I think.

Amber( made Mystreet)-
You were boss's daughter and you guys wee assigned each other as partners.

You were the new at the fashion place she worked. She was your temporary parter for work. You guys made LOTS of amazing clothing together.

You were Gene's younger sister and you needed a place to stay. He offered to let you live with him and a couple of friends. There were not enough rooms however. So he said you could stay with Sasha. She was happy to let you stay with her.

Izzy (me!)-
You were going to a cosplay convention. You were dressed as (person) and you wee really exited. You then found a group of people from the same anime as you. There was a girl there that was dressed as your cosplays girlfriend/friend/ partner. She then called you over and you joined the cosplay group. You guys then started talking and exchanged numbers.
Hope you liked it! If there is anyone you want me to add comment here!
GoodyBye for meow :3

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