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"Yein, here's your beautiful baby boy , congratulations" the doctors said holding the innocent new born child in her arms.

Yein looks at her son with love. Finally after 8 months of hardship he's here.

The doctor placed the baby in Yein's arms. Tears of joy were flowing down from her eyes.

She brought him close and kissed his forehead. He was soundly sleeping.

"Yein ah~ Omo he's so cute" Myunguen said coming in.

Slowly everyone came into room, squealing softly.

She saw Jimin.

"Yein ah, it's a long story, I know your shocked seeing Jimin here, but he's by our side don't worry" Soojung says.

She was relieved. But the problem was Jungkook. Did he know about this too?

A few hours ago

"Hyung seriously please tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook begged.

Jimin had accidentally said Yein's name which caused Jungkook to panic. 'But honestly why does he care? Didn't  he say he doesn't give a shit?' Jimin thought so he decided to test Jungkook's limits.

"Ok but why do you want to know? Didn't you say you could careless?"

Jimin's comment had shaken jungkook up. 'That's right, I didn't care, but what's wrong with me?' Jungkook questioned himself.

"Hyung please I'm begging you please"

Jimin sighed over the phone.

"Yein just gave birth to your son"

Jimin was worried since he didn't hear Jungkook's voice for a while.

"Hyung give me the address right now"

It was getting pretty late. Everyone had bidden thier goodbyes to Yein and the baby before they left the hospital.

It was about 8pm in the night. Yein lulled the baby to sleep and went to bed as well.

The door suddenly but slowly creaked open, allowing a man to slide in.

He had worn a black mask.
He quietly made his way to the baby, making sure Yein wouldn't wake up.

He picked the baby up in his arms and looked at it with love.


The he took his mask off and smiled at the baby. His son looked just like him.

He had came late because he knew if he came earlier Soojung and the others wouldn't let him see his baby.

He looked over at Yein, who was sleeping soundly. He noticed himself regretting every moment, parting away from her.

He kisses the baby's forehead and placed him back to into the baby bed. He walked over to Yein and held her hand tight.

"I'm sorry for letting you go"

It was 7:00am in the morning. Jiyeon had woken up pretty early today ,so she decided to pay Yein a visit at the hospital. She called Jimin to drop her off and come along.

Speaking of Jimin. He was pretty worried. Jungkook was gone all night. The hyungs were panicking. Luckily, Jimin had came up with a scenario to calm them down.

Jiyeon turned door knob and as soon as she walked in, she was pretty stunned.

Jiyeon turned door knob and as soon as she walked in, she was pretty stunned

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'Jeon Jungkook'?

Sorry for the short and late update. I try to update once a day but like it takes a while to come up with ideas. Sorry again.

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