Chapter 13: Another Side

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Hell, I hope so. My heart is already beating at a rapid pace and I know it has nothing to do with my demon side trying to regain control of the loss portion in my body. I don't care for the after effects that I might have to tolerate, I'm beyond happy right to permit something like Acantha's spell wearing off to bring me down.

"Vhat?" Lucius blurts out. "Y-you do not mean that. . . You told me that you love me."

Of course he means it, you bloody nitwit! I wish I could scold at Lucius while I hear Alexandru burst into a fit of laughter.

"Lucius. . . You're so gullible! Did you honestly think I actually loved you? Why would I ever love someone as useless as you?" Alexandru states, slowly calming down from laughing.

"But you kissed me a-and drank from me." Lucius points out while my heart stops for a second.

How many times did Alexandru drank from Lucius? I thought, fear rising up to my throat and my eyes widening. If drinking blood from one another is reserved for couples only, how close did Alexandru get with Lucius during the time I wasn't with him?

"It was all an act! I pretended to love you just so you can never feel happiness again and you fell for it! You made it so easy for me to make you feel loved that I actually pity you." Alexandru reveals. A silent sigh of relief escapes me and felt myself calming down.

"Lucian vas right about you. . . A-all along and I sent him avay thinking you have changed. . ." Lucius sniffles. That must be the hunter's name Alexandru always talked about. I would pity Lucius but he doesn't deserve any sort of sympathy after ruining Alexandru's life by killing their mother.

"You should've listened to him." Alexandru retorts. Bloody hell, he really doesn't care about his brother at all. I thought he did, but I was wrong. He's one brilliant performer to make me believe he truly cared for him.

"Perhaps I should have. . ." Lucius agrees in a rather regretful tone. "I-I-I vill leave y-you alone then now that your plan s-succeeded. . . I, um. . ."

"Stop it, Lucius. Before you look more pathetic than you already are." Alexandru orders harshly. There is definitely not doubt about it. He despises his brother and that statement of his proves it.

Sounds of footsteps coming towards the door alerted me to back away once again and watch the younger twin running out of the room with tears streaming down his cheeks. My eyes follow Lucius until he blends in with the crowd. In all honesty, I do feel a tad sorry for him but I don't know him well enough to make that feeling of mine deepen. Instead, I head to the door and silently enter inside the room Alexandru is still in.

The room was dark and quite spacious. Its purpose could be that it is a place where the guests' coats are stored though I'm only assuming. Navigating through the room was fairly simple, but working the nerve to speak to the vampire staring at the ground was harder than I thought. Alexandru was leaning his back against the wall, his eyes trained on the ground, and doesn't seem to have notice my presence yet.

Don't be a bloody coward! Go to him and tell him what you came to tell him! I scold myself, the urge to turn back around and leave him increased with every step I take towards him. I walk in front of Alexandru and clear my throat to grab his attention.

The vampire prince lifts his head up to face me. However, once he laid his eyes on me, he instantly contorts an expression of detestation. Is he still mad at me? Maybe I should've waited until he cooled down a bit.

"Um, hello again, Prince Alexandru. I hope I didn't intrude?" I greet nervously. Though, whether the nerves were the result of me feeling anxious about talking to him is up to debate.

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