Chapter Three

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DISCLAIMER: All characters and specific locations are entirely fictional and have been likened to real people for the benefit of the reader

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

DISCLAIMER: All characters and specific locations are entirely fictional and have been likened to real people for the benefit of the reader. All rights belong to SteelLeaf and QueenieGreen. 

Andre and I spent the evening catching up over the packet of gummy bears, which I had to agree to share with him, so long as he didn't eat them handfuls at a time, otherwise the sweets would have dwindled down to nothing in less than two minutes. He'd told me about how the last five months had been filled with school, dance, his friends and - most recently - football. When I'd asked him what the fuck that was about, telling him that we came from a family of proud combatants and mercenaries, he rolled his eyes at me and said it was just for fun, and - even though he squirmed under my scrutinizing gaze - and wouldn't say anything else on the topic. So I dropped it... for now.

When Vanessa called us down for dinner - lunch had been postponed due to her substandard knowledge base on how to make Ratatouille - Uncle Don was home from his latest photoshoot, looking as sharp as ever, dressed in a well fitted three-piece Armani suit, which - I hear - is one of the many perks of being a professional model. Too bad I could never do that. He hadn't changed a bit since I saw him last; his dark hair and beard were neatly trimmed, close-cropped and even, not a single strand out of place. He was toned and fit, like the rest of our family, and held himself with enough confidence to frighten away a bull, but somehow, he still managed to look approachable - which probably had something to do with the shining smile that stood out stark as moonlight on his ebony skin. I was almost jealous until I remembered that he had a team of eight professionals, all of which were on around the clock care for my dear uncle, taking care of his makeup, his style, his body and his food. That made me feel better about myself, at least I had the excuse of handling everything for myself.

His face lit up when I came bounding down the stairs, with Andre right behind me, and he flashed his trademark friendly grin to show off his brilliant teeth. "Hannah!" he called, his deep voice reverberating with a pleased note, his arms unfolding from across his chest to pull me into a hug as soon as I was close enough, "Van told me you were coming! And, I must say, I was looking forward to seeing you, but I definitely wasn't expecting this!"

I let out a nervous laugh. "You weren't expecting what?"

Uncle Don chuckles, then holds me at arm's length, ducking his head to look me in the eye. I can smell his cologne, even from this distance, and it triggers a number of happy memories from over the years. If I wasn't a Steele, this smell is what I would call home; the musky cinnamon scent that smelled like a spice rack at the local market, or the Christmas pudding Vanessa makes every year. It was familiar and friendly.

"Not to worry you at all, lil' Jo." He smiles fondly, but I frown at his choice of nickname. It's Hannah, not Jo. I think silently, yet I dare not to voice my thoughts in case I spoil our little reunion. "I just wasn't expecting you to have grown up so fast." Vanessa laughs at that and Don turns to wink at her, letting go of my shoulders and resting his arm over them instead, "I'd say you look as if you could have any guy you wanted, and he'd be willing." I roll my own eyes at that and gently elbow his side, trying to hide the smile that I can't help from pulling at my lips. Jesus, Don, always the blunt one. "Plus," He adds, a cheeky tone in his voice, "if Connor's taught you anything useful, I don't think there'd be any kid alive who'd purposefully dare to break your heart." I shove at his side, shaking my head at his teasing antics, taking a seat beside Andre on the counter instead.

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