"By the way, I heard that your internship period is nearing" Kongpob said switching the topic.
"Yeah. Who told you that? No, don't tell me. It was that asshole Bright, wasn't it?"
"No" younger man shaked his head.
"It was P'Prem. So, do you already know where you're going?"
"Yeah" Arthit admitted scratching back of his head uneasily.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kongpob demanded.
"What do you think? Do you think that it's easy for me to bring it up to you that I have to go away for a two whole months?" Arthit put his drink away and expression he had indicated severe distress.

Kongpob felt like his heart was going to melt.
"What? Why do you have that silly smile on your face?"
"Will you miss me while you're away?" Junior asked softly.
"Are you nuts?" Arthit said sternly, making younger man feel little hurt because of his harsh response.

It wasn't like Kongpob didn't had expected Arthit to respond somewhat like that.
He knew that his boyfriend wasn't much of sweet talker but still it managed to make his heart stung.

"Of course I would miss you! Shouldn't that be obvious?" Arthit continued trying his best to reassure his boyfriend.
He took Kongpob's hands to his own and squeezed them lightly.

"Look, I don't know why you're constantly underestimating my feelings towards you. Maybe I just can't convey them to you clearly enough. But let me ask you this. Do you think I would be with you if I didn't have feelings for you? Would I let you bang me if my feelings for you were frivolous?"

"Do you think that things we do together won't affect me exactly as much as they affects at you?"
It seemed like Arthit had decided to clear this thing between them completely at once.
"I'm sorry P'Arthit. I won't do it again" younger man apologised touched because his lovers rare sweet words.

Arthit nodded and leaned in to hug his lover tightly.
Kongpob blinked surprisedly but it didn't take long that he melted against his boyfriend, hugging him even more closer.
Younger man buried his face against Arthit's neck and breathed deeply his lovely scent.
"I love you Kongpob. And I always miss you when you aren't with me" older man whispered to him gently and as like to seal at his words, he kissed Kong's ear affectionately.

"I love you too P'Arthit" Kongpob answered and pulled little further away from the hug so he could kiss Arthit's invitating lips.
Arthit kissed back eagerly, opening his mouth slightly to let Kongpob's skilled tongue in to play with his.

Kongpob fullfilled his boyfriends silent request and swirled his tongue around Arthit's.
Their lips made sweet smacking noises which soon filled the whole room.

Kong let his hands wander over his lovers body but as he reached to his private area, he felt Arthit grab his wrist.
"No" came stern objection.
Kong released his lips for a while to look at his boyfriend.
"I'm still too sore" Arthit explained smiling reassuringly.
"Oh. Well, I told you that I'm okay to switch...or I could just blow you...?"

Arthit couldn't hold back his laughter.
This was Kongpob.
This was his own horny, kind, cheesy, stubborn, blockheaded boyfriend who he couldn't help but love to death.
"No Kongpob. I think you broke that thing too."
"WHAT?! No way! You're lying P'!" Younger man shouted looking so guilty and terrified that it was almost comical.

"Look, Can't we just keep our clothes on for once?"
"Whatever my P'Arthit wants" Kongpob smiled and rolled off from top of his boyfriend and just settled down next to him.
Kong took Arthit's hand on his own and played with his fingers.
"Can I stay over tonight?"
"Yes. I would like that" Arthit nodded and leaned to kiss his lovers cheek.

"Do you think we will be together forever?" Kongpob asked suddenly.
"I don't know. I can't see to the future" other one said quietly.
Nothing didn't stop him for hoping so though.
Kongpob nodded to that.
Arthit had said it all before.
All what he had desperately wanted to hear.

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